Guys I would appreciate any help you could offer me on this
(I spent 3 days searching about everyplace I can think of for a solution)
Column "B" has 75 items. Of those items 1 to 25 are numbered the rest are blank.
(All are needed, but only the newest 25 are relative).
Column "D" through "J" have numbers (75 per column).
I need to use the numbers in column "B" Only to "Authorize" searching D1:J75 for the number of occurrences of a specific number.
(The number in "B" is else-wise semi irrelevant)
The Numbers in column "B" will be re-ordered when "New" data is appended to future rows.
I have tried COUNTIF, COUNTIFS, SUMPRODUCT, IF-Then with no luck.
I am new(ish) to the more advanced features of Excel, but I am familiar with the program itself (So its possible that I made a newbie error somewhere).
Thanks - I Really appreciate it...