In prior versions, I would have recommended the use of dynamic named ranges, so you wouldn't be referencing a million rows.
Since you're using Excel can take advantage of Excel Tables!
• Select cell A1 on the Data sheet
• Home.Format-as-table...follow the prompts for style and heading existence.
Excel will name it Table1, but you can change that.
Now you can use these formulas in Sheet1
D2: =IFERROR(INDEX(Table1[Fee Type]&" "&Table1[JobID]&" "&Table1[Job Name]&" "&Table1[Designer],INT((ROW(A1)-1)/2)+2),"")
E2: =IFERROR(INDEX(Table1[Fee],INT((ROW(A1)-1)/2)+2),"")
The structured references in those formula refer to the fields in Table1 and ONLY reference that data. If the size of the table changes, the formulas will automatically absorb the changes and display the correct information.
Is that something you can work with?