Hello everyone,
I've been racking my brain ove this one and just can't seem to figure this out.
Worksheet 1 = 1st Quarter
Worksheet 2 = 2nd Quarter
Worksheet 3 = 3rd Quarter
Worksheet 4 = 4th quarter
Worksheet 5 = Dashboard
Each quarter has active Suppliers, (some suppliers are active for all 4 quarters, some active for only 3, 2 amnd some for only 1)... On worksheet 5 I'm trying to extract ONLY the LAST active quarters sales number.
for instance, if "ABC Supplier" has
1st quarter - $500
2nd quarter - not on worksheet
3rd quarter - $300
4th quarter - not on worsheet
I want the formula on worksheet 5 to return $300 (last active quarter)...
I've been using trying IF, IFNA, and Vlookup functions but cant seem to get it right. If someone can crack this one I would be ever so grateful.