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formula help: conditional format of one column based on "YES"/"NO" content of four others!

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    Lightbulb formula help: conditional format of one column based on "YES"/"NO" content of four others!


    Attempting to color code column S to match a pie chart on a separate tab named ‘Metrics’. Pie chart successful based on data below in columns J, L, N, and Q using stacked conditional formatting, one example:


    For all rows 2-150 (row 1 is header w/ filter):

    Format cell color in column “S” based on multiple values in columns J, L, N, and Q

    IF J = “NO”, AND L = “NO”, AND N=”NO”, AND Q=”NO”, S = light blue fill
    IF J = “YES”, AND L = “NO”, AND N=”NO”, AND Q=”NO”, S = light red fill
    IF J = “YES”, AND L = “YES”, AND N=”NO”, AND Q=”NO”, S = light green fill
    IF J = “YES”, AND L = “NO”, AND N=”YES”, AND Q=”NO”, S = light purple fill

    I have tried: (below all have errors)





    The closest I have come are the following, each do not flag as “error” but shade incorrect cells – rows 1 (header) and 3, but not row 2 or any other.

    The theoretical purpose is to track supplier items:
    Column J, decision to proceed with sample evaluation, yes or no
    Column L, sample evaluated by group test, yes or no
    Column N, sample evaluated by individual tester, yes or no
    Column Q, sample was rejected (for this formula, I am only interested in column Q = “NO” but there could be the need to expand this in the future)

    The formula will show:
    blue, = reject sample without evaluation
    (J = NO, L = NO, N=NO, Q=NO)
    red, = reject sample after initial evaluation
    (J = YES, L = NO, N=NO, Q=NO)
    green, = reject sample after initial eval AND group eval (color will be changed to light orange)
    (J = YES, L = YES, N=NO, Q=NO)
    purple, = reject sample after initial eval AND solo eval
    (J = YES, L = NO, N=YES, Q=NO)

    Future state:
    (COLOR) = approve sample after initial eval and group eval
    (J = YES, L = YES, N = NO, Q = YES)
    (COLOR) = approve sample after initial eval and solo eval
    (J = YES, L = NO, N = YES, Q = YES)
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    Last edited by 10 Dollar Bill; 10-19-2014 at 11:39 PM. Reason: added workbook

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