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Due dates sumif/countif formula questions

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  1. #1
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    Due dates sumif/countif formula questions

    I have a table -Table2- with a column called -Due Date- for various tasks. On a graph along side I want to have a count of the number of tasks I have due within a certain time frame.

    I'd like to have 4 categories, Due Date: Today, Within 7 days, Within 4 weeks (or 28 days), within 6 months.

    The formula for Today was easy, I entered: =COUNTIF(Table2[Due Date],TODAY())

    I have little experience with formulas and I thought the other categories would be fairly straight forward but I have not been successful. For instance, i found this formula =SUM(IF(Table2[Due Date]>=(TODAY()-WEEKDAY(TODAY(),2)+1),IF(Table2[Due Date]<(TODAY()-WEEKDAY(TODAY(),2)+1+7),1,0),0)) ------- the problem with this one is that it's counting tasks due this calendar week, instead of within 7 days of the current date (example: today it's Friday the 17th, the above formula does not count tasks I have due the following Tuesday, the 21st. It does not count it because next Tuesday is not technically THIS WEEK. But I need the formula to count tasks due within the next 7 days regardless of whether it falls within the same calendar week. This goes for my formula for 'due date within 4 weeks' as well, I'm less worried about tasks due within October than I am about the next 4 weeks irrespective of the calendar month.

    Thank you in advance for your help =)

  2. #2
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    Re: Due dates sumif/countif formula questions

    Within 7 days,
    =COUNTIFS(Table2[Due Date], ">="&Today()+1, Table2[Due Date], "<="&Today()+7)
    Within 4 weeks (or 28 days),
    Not including the next 7 days
    =COUNTIFS(Table2[Due Date], ">="&Today()+8, Table2[Due Date], "<="& Today()+28)

    within 6 months.(not including next 28 days)
    =COUNTIFS(Table2[Due Date], ">"&Today()+28, Table2[Due Date], "<="& EDATE(TODAY(),6))
    Is that what you wanted?
    My 2?

    substitute commas with semi-colons if your region settings requires
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  3. #3
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    Re: Due dates sumif/countif formula questions

    Thanks for writing back. The formula for 'due within 7 days' and 'due within 6 months' seem to work. The formula for 'due within 4 weeks' produced an error I was receiving earlier when I was trying to write these. Instead a producing a single number I get: 1/1/00.

  4. #4
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    Re: Due dates sumif/countif formula questions

    Select that cell and change cell format to General.

    If you have errors, it's easier to troubleshoot if you can upload an example sheet (Go Advanced>Manage Attachments)

  5. #5
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    Re: Due dates sumif/countif formula questions

    That worked, thank you my question is resolved.

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