Thought I had a formula that works. In fact it did but if you did any filtering on Sheet 1 it would make the formulas on the PO sheet (Sheet 2) non operational.
The code I had was a if/and formula for each on PO Sheet (Sheet 2): "Qty. Ordered", "Vendor", "Part Number", Description" "Unit Price". I had the above formula in each cell for each header.
For each of these I had if Vendor on Sheet 1 meets a true AND if it is < than "Minimum Inventory" on Sheet 1 was true. If true it would pull that specific value for the "Qty. Ordered", "Vendor", "Part Number", Description" "Unit Price" from Sheet 1.
The formula does what it needs to be done but if any type of filtering is done on Sheet 1 the formulas does not work. It does not work because the cells in formula that it looks at on sheet 1 have changed.
Any suggestions?
As long as not filtering or sorting is done on sheet 1 it works good with only tiny issue (that is with my current formula) that is if I have 12 parts from Vendor Tutit and they are not in sequential order rows 1,5,8,9,10 on sheet 1 and only need parts from row 1 and 9 ordered, on the PO tab I would have line 1 and line 10 on the Purchase Order filled in and all in between blank.