I am only a spreadsheet newbie. Am trying to tackle a financial drama. I have a column of dates going back in time over a thousand days (in date order) and an adjacent column of figures that show historic daily percentage movements in the value of an investment for each of those days.

I need to be able to calculate what the percentage return has been on a weekly basis, as well as on a monthly basis, because it appears I was tricked by false advertising for an investment.

About half the daily returns are positive eg 0.121561% and about half are negative eg -0.115487. Some days however show zero change.

I need to be accurate as the outcome will form basis of a complaint which they will certainly shoot down if not correct.

To be accurate the calculation must occur on a day by day basis, in that figures for one week can’t be simply added together then divided to get an average. Also the daily figures for most individual weeks are a mix of positive and negative percentage movements.

this is a small sample cut.....
15/08/2014 -0.0242
14/08/2014 -0.0516
13/08/2014 -0.2705
12/08/2014 0.3081
11/08/2014 0.2851

So maybe there is a need to start each calculation on a base figure of say 100 then multiply by first percentage movement then multiply the answer by the next percentage movement, and repeat until end of week gives the weekly percentage movement. How to get the program to distinguish and calculate the negative and positive percentage returns sequentially on a day by day basis is something way beyond me unfortunately.

As my hard drive failed recently, I purchased a new drive but unable to recover excel and other programs so have downloaded freeware spreadsheets, gnumeric and kingsoft in the hope of urgently completing this exercise. I think the excel process and formula might be identical to or close enough for me to adjust, to use in the alternate software....hopefully. Thanks greatly if anyone can help.
Ben Davis