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how to calculate weekly and monthly percentage returns from daily figures

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  1. #1
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    Question how to calculate weekly and monthly percentage returns from daily figures

    I am only a spreadsheet newbie. Am trying to tackle a financial drama. I have a column of dates going back in time over a thousand days (in date order) and an adjacent column of figures that show historic daily percentage movements in the value of an investment for each of those days.

    I need to be able to calculate what the percentage return has been on a weekly basis, as well as on a monthly basis, because it appears I was tricked by false advertising for an investment.

    About half the daily returns are positive eg 0.121561% and about half are negative eg -0.115487. Some days however show zero change.

    I need to be accurate as the outcome will form basis of a complaint which they will certainly shoot down if not correct.

    To be accurate the calculation must occur on a day by day basis, in that figures for one week can’t be simply added together then divided to get an average. Also the daily figures for most individual weeks are a mix of positive and negative percentage movements.

    this is a small sample cut.....
    15/08/2014 -0.0242
    14/08/2014 -0.0516
    13/08/2014 -0.2705
    12/08/2014 0.3081
    11/08/2014 0.2851

    So maybe there is a need to start each calculation on a base figure of say 100 then multiply by first percentage movement then multiply the answer by the next percentage movement, and repeat until end of week gives the weekly percentage movement. How to get the program to distinguish and calculate the negative and positive percentage returns sequentially on a day by day basis is something way beyond me unfortunately.

    As my hard drive failed recently, I purchased a new drive but unable to recover excel and other programs so have downloaded freeware spreadsheets, gnumeric and kingsoft in the hope of urgently completing this exercise. I think the excel process and formula might be identical to or close enough for me to adjust, to use in the alternate software....hopefully. Thanks greatly if anyone can help.
    Ben Davis

  2. #2
    Forum Expert Crooza's Avatar
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    Re: how to calculate weekly and monthly percentage returns from daily figures

    G'day Ben.

    I was going to post a posible solution but as you don't have excel I'll talk you through it.

    Firstly I turned your data upside down, oldest to newest (seemed easier to me this way)

    then I assumed you don't have data for Sat or Sun dates

    Then with your dates in column B and your percentage movements in column C try this in cell D5 and copy down column D (note no data in first 4 cells of Column D as you're looking at the last weeks - 5 days data)

    =IF(WEEKDAY(B1) = 2,(1-(C1/100+1)*(C2/100+1)*(C3/100+1)*(C4/100+1)*(C5/100+1))*100,"")
    This should give you the percentage movement in that 5 day (1 Week period)
    Happy with my advice? Click on the * reputation button below

  3. #3
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    Re: how to calculate weekly and monthly percentage returns from daily figures

    Thanks kindly Crooza,

    That's awesome.

    I experimented with the small cut section we are using for my learning purposes. Could not get it to work using gnumeric, because of me doing something wrong no doubt, but something happened when I followed your instructions using the Kingsoft 2013 spreadsheet program.

    The result was.......

    11/08/2014 0.2851
    12/08/2014 0.3081
    13/08/2014 -0.2705
    14/08/2014 -0.0516
    15/08/2014 -0.0242 -0.245939884

    The columns seem to disappear on pasting here, but the D5 result as you can see is -0.245939884 (% I hope). I don't know how to check if it is the correct answer. However it "looks" wrong considering the size of the first two days of positive returns. I think, from eyeballing the returns for each of the days in succession (imagine applying them to a starting value of say 100 one day at a time), that the weekly % return should be a positive number?


  4. #4
    Forum Expert Crooza's Avatar
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    Re: how to calculate weekly and monthly percentage returns from daily figures

    Further to above this is the formula you need

    =IF(WEEKDAY(B1) = 2,((C1/100+1)*(C2/100+1)*(C3/100+1)*(C4/100+1)*(C5/100+1)-1)*100,"")

  5. #5
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    Re: how to calculate weekly and monthly percentage returns from daily figures

    Thanks again Crooza,

    That was also h-u-g-e of you. I appreciate it greatly.

    The modified formula gave the correct answer in Kingsoft 2013 without any negative sign .

    I also worked it out manually on the PC scientific calculator just to prove to myself that the result was correct, which it was.

    Over the w/end i will try to make inroads into the project, being only an L plate spreadsheet driver.

    The list commences 01 July, 2011 and runs till present day.

    There are some variations in the list which I don't know will affect the structure of the formula or not eg 1. for the first few years it shows returns for each day of seven day week though in recent times weekend days show zero, 2. Some occasional other days show zero, 3. the earning rates are displayed to fourth decimal for part of the list, then to sixth decimal, then back to four decimal display in most recent period. 4. As daily earning rates can bounce from positive to negative to positive to negative all in one week, does the formula automatically recognize and calculate this?

    After I calculate the weekly returns I have to do the monthly return calculations which will involve calculating each day at a time starting first day of month and ending last day of month. Is it the case that because returns can bounce from positive to negative from one day to the next that there is no way of having shortened formula that spans the days of the month (up to 31 days)?

    Thanks again. I placed my retirement funds in the investment because they advertised low risk investment with negative returns only 2% of the time. All I have since learned is that there are 631 negative days on the list I have obtained. To my eyes it appears that negative weekly and negative monthly returns would also be occurring way more than 2% of the time but I have to prove it to have any cause for complaint and possible compensation. The power and speed of spreadsheets is awesome for a first timer.

    kind regards,

  6. #6
    Forum Expert Crooza's Avatar
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    Re: how to calculate weekly and monthly percentage returns from daily figures

    There are some variations in the list which I don't know will affect the structure of the formula or not eg 1. for the first few years it shows returns for each day of seven day week though in recent times weekend days show zero,
    Yes the different time periods may be an issue. Send me the spreadsheet. If I can read it in excel I'll look at it.

    2. Some occasional other days show zero, 3. the earning rates are displayed to fourth decimal for part of the list, then to sixth decimal, then back to four decimal display in most recent period. 4. As daily earning rates can bounce from positive to negative to positive to negative all in one week, does the formula automatically recognize and calculate this?
    2. 0 won't be an issue the formula will handle that
    3. Order of accuracy won't be significant
    4. Yes negatives and positives are all handled in the formula

    Is it the case that because returns can bounce from positive to negative from one day to the next that there is no way of having shortened formula that spans the days of the month (up to 31 days)?
    That's right, you need to consider each movement in price so there's no shortcut that I can see.
    Last edited by Crooza; 10-03-2014 at 11:33 PM.

  7. #7
    Forum Expert Crooza's Avatar
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    Re: how to calculate weekly and monthly percentage returns from daily figures


    Your logic is right. The number is correct but the sign is wrong. The formula should be (formula) -1 not 1- (formula). Change this and it will be right

  8. #8
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    Re: how to calculate weekly and monthly percentage returns from daily figures

    Couldn't find button where to upload and send attachment from one forum member to another. Will have another look at it later today. Cheers.

  9. #9
    Forum Expert Crooza's Avatar
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    Re: how to calculate weekly and monthly percentage returns from daily figures

    You need to 'go advanced' then click on the upload file symbol

  10. #10
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    Re: how to calculate weekly and monthly percentage returns from daily figures

    Crooza, I tried but got a knock back on the file type for some reason. I've made a screenshot image of the message which, hopefully will post. I might try and change the file extension to see if it will trick the program into uploading the file.

    failed upload.jpg

  11. #11
    Forum Expert Crooza's Avatar
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    Re: how to calculate weekly and monthly percentage returns from daily figures

    How big a file is it? I think the forum has a limit at about 1Mb. If it's too big, just send through enough data to give the idea.

  12. #12
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    Re: how to calculate weekly and monthly percentage returns from daily figures

    Is only 91kb. I'm wondering if because it is a competitor file (Kingsoft) and not excel, it gets knocked back. I'll try to rename and see how it goes, if not can paste some of it as you suggested.

  13. #13
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    Re: how to calculate weekly and monthly percentage returns from daily figures

    I inserted xls at end of file name but still would not upload so i have zipped it and looks like it might work.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  14. #14
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    Re: how to calculate weekly and monthly percentage returns from daily figures

    I don't know if excel will read it though, although kingsoft spreadsheets is supposed to handle excel files.

  15. #15
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    Re: how to calculate weekly and monthly percentage returns from daily figures

    Hi Crooza,
    This is a cut part of how much I have done, as I've been thinking excel probably does not read Kingsoft spreadsheets. I hope it is accurate. I'm hoping to learn how to make graphs and charts from the data in future. Thankyou for the code. I would have got nowhere without it.

    Day Effective Date Rate Week Weekly rate Month Monthly rate
    FRI 1/07/2011 0 1 (part) Jul-11
    SAT 2/07/2011 -0.0011
    SUN 3/07/2011 -0.0011 negative
    MON 4/07/2011 0 2
    TUE 5/07/2011 -0.1477
    WED 6/07/2011 0.1474
    THU 7/07/2011 0.1039
    FRI 8/07/2011 0.0575
    SAT 9/07/2011 -0.0011
    SUN 10/07/2011 -0.0011 0.158737668
    MON 11/07/2011 -0.0244 3
    TUE 12/07/2011 0.0758
    WED 13/07/2011 0.3606
    THU 14/07/2011 0.3895
    FRI 15/07/2011 -0.0348
    SAT 16/07/2011 -0.0011
    SUN 17/07/2011 -0.0011 0.765975749
    MON 18/07/2011 0.0503 4
    TUE 19/07/2011 0.0975
    WED 20/07/2011 0.0732
    THU 21/07/2011 0.0275
    FRI 22/07/2011 -0.1733
    SAT 23/07/2011 -0.0011
    SUN 24/07/2011 -0.0011 0.07278542
    MON 25/07/2011 -0.032 5
    TUE 26/07/2011 0.0499
    WED 27/07/2011 0.1295
    THU 28/07/2011 -0.0142
    FRI 29/07/2011 -0.0947
    SAT 30/07/2011 -0.0011
    SUN 31/07/2011 -0.0011 0.036159301 monthly rate here
    MON 1/08/2011 0.1506 6 Aug-11
    TUE 2/08/2011 0.3857
    WED 3/08/2011 0.0801
    THU 4/08/2011 0.2252
    FRI 5/08/2011 0.3624
    SAT 6/08/2011 -0.0011
    SUN 7/08/2011 -0.0011 1.20723338
    MON 8/08/2011 -0.1103 7
    TUE 9/08/2011 0.5186
    WED 10/08/2011 -0.1453
    THU 11/08/2011 0.0481
    FRI 12/08/2011 0.0794
    SAT 13/08/2011 -0.0011
    SUN 14/08/2011 -0.0011 0.387499126
    MON 15/08/2011 0.0623 8
    TUE 16/08/2011 0.0954
    WED 17/08/2011 -0.2847
    THU 18/08/2011 0.1565
    FRI 19/08/2011 0.1253
    SAT 20/08/2011 -0.0011
    SUN 21/08/2011 -0.0011 0.152043772
    MON 22/08/2011 0.3522 9
    TUE 23/08/2011 0.2383
    WED 24/08/2011 -0.0804
    THU 25/08/2011 -0.3908
    FRI 26/08/2011 -0.0542
    SAT 27/08/2011 0.3108
    SUN 28/08/2011 -0.0011 0.373298131
    MON 29/08/2011 -0.1042 10
    TUE 30/08/2011 0.0619
    WED 31/08/2011 -0.0807
    THU 1/09/2011 0.1046 Sep-11
    FRI 2/09/2011 0.0227
    SAT 3/09/2011 -0.0011
    SUN 4/09/2011 -0.0011 0.001936707
    MON 5/09/2011 0.0227 11
    TUE 6/09/2011 0.1752
    WED 7/09/2011 0.4187
    THU 8/09/2011 0.0462
    FRI 9/09/2011 -0.2938
    SAT 10/09/2011 -0.0011
    SUN 11/09/2011 -0.0011 0.36599503
    MON 12/09/2011 0.2475 12
    TUE 13/09/2011 0.0417
    WED 14/09/2011 0.3082
    THU 15/09/2011 -0.1217
    FRI 16/09/2011 0.1186
    SAT 17/09/2011 -0.0011
    SUN 18/09/2011 -0.0011 0.592918009
    MON 19/09/2011 -0.205 13
    TUE 20/09/2011 -0.138
    WED 21/09/2011 0.3231
    THU 22/09/2011 -0.0109
    FRI 23/09/2011 -0.0655
    SAT 24/09/2011 -0.1632
    SUN 25/09/2011 -0.0011 -0.261240116
    MON 26/09/2011 0.3376 14
    TUE 27/09/2011 0.0164
    WED 28/09/2011 -0.0434
    THU 29/09/2011 -0.5036
    FRI 30/09/2011 -0.1216
    SAT 1/10/2011 -0.0011 Oct-11
    SUN 2/10/2011 -0.0011 -0.318218307
    MON 3/10/2011 0.0838 15
    TUE 4/10/2011 0.1506
    WED 5/10/2011 0.1546
    THU 6/10/2011 0.4909
    FRI 7/10/2011 -0.2766
    SAT 8/10/2011 -0.0011
    SUN 9/10/2011 -0.0011 0.601047077
    MON 10/10/2011 -0.2256 16
    TUE 11/10/2011 -0.1614
    WED 12/10/2011 -0.1263
    THU 13/10/2011 -0.1314
    FRI 14/10/2011 -0.0135
    SAT 15/10/2011 -0.0011
    SUN 16/10/2011 -0.0011 -0.658772919
    MON 17/10/2011 -0.2436 17
    TUE 18/10/2011 0.0333
    WED 19/10/2011 -0.1408
    THU 20/10/2011 0.2489
    FRI 21/10/2011 -0.0148
    SAT 22/10/2011 -0.0011
    SUN 23/10/2011 -0.0011 -0.119840431

  16. #16
    Forum Expert Crooza's Avatar
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    Re: how to calculate weekly and monthly percentage returns from daily figures


    Sorry haven't had a chance to look at the zip file. Looking at your data above I'm wondering if you want to have flexibility to determine over different time periods if you might be better creating a new column that works out the percentage movement from the very first data point (a bit like the CPI listing) so you can compare any two dates. To construct that column start at the very first data point and simply multiply each percentage movement by the previous one. Ie if the formula is in column E e1 = 1, E2 = E1 *(1+rate/100) where rates is c2 or wherever your daily rates are then copy E2 down. I won't get a chance to play with it today but I'll look at it tomorrow for you.

  17. #17
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    Re: how to calculate weekly and monthly percentage returns from daily figures

    Unfortunately the columns got lost on pasting. I used row A for column headings.
    A - day
    B - date
    C - daily rate
    D - week no.
    E - weekly rate
    F - month
    G - monthly rate

  18. #18
    Forum Expert Crooza's Avatar
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    Re: how to calculate weekly and monthly percentage returns from daily figures


    Zip file won't work for me. I've got this working for month and weekly data like I described above for the sample data you sent through. I can do the rest of your data if you upload a file - say a csv file or even a text file and I'll convert it. I'll send back the formatted data as either an excel (although that i realise is an issue) and / or a text file for you to convert back

  19. #19
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    Re: how to calculate weekly and monthly percentage returns from daily figures

    had to break it in two to upload...

    TUE 1/01/2013 0.060162
    WED 2/01/2013 0.091386
    THU 3/01/2013 -0.001203
    FRI 4/01/2013 -0.2855
    SAT 5/01/2013 -0.001203
    SUN 6/01/2013 -0.001203
    MON 7/01/2013 0.000071
    TUE 8/01/2013 -0.194597
    WED 9/01/2013 0.081615
    THU 10/01/2013 0.069063
    FRI 11/01/2013 0.081025
    SAT 12/01/2013 -0.001203
    SUN 13/01/2013 -0.001203
    MON 14/01/2013 -0.092517
    TUE 15/01/2013 -0.038237
    WED 16/01/2013 0.074578
    THU 17/01/2013 0.095882
    FRI 18/01/2013 0.191497
    SAT 19/01/2013 -0.001203
    SUN 20/01/2013 -0.001203
    MON 21/01/2013 0.121424
    TUE 22/01/2013 -0.201946
    WED 23/01/2013 0.110404
    THU 24/01/2013 -0.006393
    FRI 25/01/2013 0.138921
    SAT 26/01/2013 -0.02035
    SUN 27/01/2013 -0.001203
    MON 28/01/2013 0.023783
    TUE 29/01/2013 -0.168389
    WED 30/01/2013 -0.015183
    THU 31/01/2013 -0.352676
    FRI 1/02/2013 -0.017158
    SAT 2/02/2013 -0.001203
    SUN 3/02/2013 -0.001203
    MON 4/02/2013 0.188925
    TUE 5/02/2013 -0.150389
    WED 6/02/2013 -0.065199
    THU 7/02/2013 0.152935
    FRI 8/02/2013 -0.011267
    SAT 9/02/2013 -0.001203
    SUN 10/02/2013 -0.001203
    MON 11/02/2013 0.13819
    TUE 12/02/2013 -0.042656
    WED 13/02/2013 0.106915
    THU 14/02/2013 -0.042278
    FRI 15/02/2013 -0.13787
    SAT 16/02/2013 -0.001203
    SUN 17/02/2013 -0.001203
    MON 18/02/2013 -0.104371
    TUE 19/02/2013 0.124534
    WED 20/02/2013 -0.049995
    THU 21/02/2013 -0.011885
    FRI 22/02/2013 0.009544
    SAT 23/02/2013 0.043861
    SUN 24/02/2013 -0.001203
    MON 25/02/2013 0.16132
    TUE 26/02/2013 0.009703
    WED 27/02/2013 0.156724
    THU 28/02/2013 0.266299
    FRI 1/03/2013 0.094601
    SAT 2/03/2013 -0.001203
    SUN 3/03/2013 -0.001203
    MON 4/03/2013 0.013715
    TUE 5/03/2013 0.073794
    WED 6/03/2013 0.113833
    THU 7/03/2013 -0.168028
    FRI 8/03/2013 -0.151267
    SAT 9/03/2013 -0.001203
    SUN 10/03/2013 -0.001203
    MON 11/03/2013 -0.110503
    TUE 12/03/2013 -0.250176
    WED 13/03/2013 -0.028387
    THU 14/03/2013 -0.025323
    FRI 15/03/2013 0.073654
    SAT 16/03/2013 -0.001203
    SUN 17/03/2013 -0.001203
    MON 18/03/2013 -0.263274
    TUE 19/03/2013 0.135898
    WED 20/03/2013 0.342835
    THU 21/03/2013 -0.066894
    FRI 22/03/2013 0.051365
    SAT 23/03/2013 -0.001203
    SUN 24/03/2013 -0.001203
    MON 25/03/2013 -0.106909
    TUE 26/03/2013 0.078614
    WED 27/03/2013 -0.095172
    THU 28/03/2013 0.129418
    FRI 29/03/2013 0.175783
    SAT 30/03/2013 0.143984
    SUN 31/03/2013 -0.001203
    MON 1/04/2013 0.181315
    TUE 2/04/2013 -0.001203
    WED 3/04/2013 -0.001203
    THU 4/04/2013 0.04295
    FRI 5/04/2013 -0.014788
    SAT 6/04/2013 -0.001203
    SUN 7/04/2013 -0.001203
    MON 8/04/2013 0.183601
    TUE 9/04/2013 0.282422
    WED 10/04/2013 0.132194
    THU 11/04/2013 -0.043153
    FRI 12/04/2013 -0.127419
    SAT 13/04/2013 -0.001203
    SUN 14/04/2013 -0.001203
    MON 15/04/2013 0.025832
    TUE 16/04/2013 0.072537
    WED 17/04/2013 0.158115
    THU 18/04/2013 -0.040072
    FRI 19/04/2013 -0.010756
    SAT 20/04/2013 -0.001203
    SUN 21/04/2013 -0.001203
    MON 22/04/2013 0.130445
    TUE 23/04/2013 -0.024372
    WED 24/04/2013 0.028461
    THU 25/04/2013 0.16794
    FRI 26/04/2013 0.031965
    SAT 27/04/2013 -0.137555
    SUN 28/04/2013 -0.001203
    MON 29/04/2013 -0.01033
    TUE 30/04/2013 0.051491
    WED 1/05/2013 0.118137
    THU 2/05/2013 0.066769
    FRI 3/05/2013 0.039954
    SAT 4/05/2013 -0.001203
    SUN 5/05/2013 -0.001203
    MON 6/05/2013 0.189389
    TUE 7/05/2013 -0.091292
    WED 8/05/2013 -0.119397
    THU 9/05/2013 0.144683
    FRI 10/05/2013 -0.030011
    SAT 11/05/2013 -0.001203
    SUN 12/05/2013 -0.001203
    MON 13/05/2013 -0.07467
    TUE 14/05/2013 -0.291772
    WED 15/05/2013 0.018674
    THU 16/05/2013 -0.047083
    FRI 17/05/2013 -0.06398
    SAT 18/05/2013 -0.001203
    SUN 19/05/2013 -0.001203
    MON 20/05/2013 0.157651
    TUE 21/05/2013 0.068204
    WED 22/05/2013 -0.109533
    THU 23/05/2013 -0.06456
    FRI 24/05/2013 -0.078848
    SAT 25/05/2013 -0.004768
    SUN 26/05/2013 -0.001203
    MON 27/05/2013 -0.041447
    TUE 28/05/2013 -0.006534
    WED 29/05/2013 0.077599
    THU 30/05/2013 -0.21478
    FRI 31/05/2013 -0.299885
    SAT 1/06/2013 -0.001203
    SUN 2/06/2013 -0.001203
    MON 3/06/2013 0.125118
    TUE 4/06/2013 0.029553
    WED 5/06/2013 -0.081431
    THU 6/06/2013 -0.117776
    FRI 7/06/2013 0.108586
    SAT 8/06/2013 -0.001203
    SUN 9/06/2013 -0.001203
    MON 10/06/2013 0.07954
    TUE 11/06/2013 0.097434
    WED 12/06/2013 -0.049862
    THU 13/06/2013 -0.375314
    FRI 14/06/2013 -0.168579
    SAT 15/06/2013 -0.001203
    SUN 16/06/2013 -0.001203
    MON 17/06/2013 0.160595
    TUE 18/06/2013 0.152681
    WED 19/06/2013 -0.112103
    THU 20/06/2013 0.017513
    FRI 21/06/2013 -0.08807
    SAT 22/06/2013 -0.001203
    SUN 23/06/2013 -0.001203
    MON 24/06/2013 -0.666372
    TUE 25/06/2013 -0.408488
    WED 26/06/2013 -0.750274
    THU 27/06/2013 0.405238
    FRI 28/06/2013 0.051572
    SAT 29/06/2013 0.170608
    SUN 30/06/2013 -0.001203
    MON 1/07/2013 0
    TUE 2/07/2013 0
    WED 3/07/2013 -0.090536
    THU 4/07/2013 0.261508
    FRI 5/07/2013 0.072313
    SAT 6/07/2013 -0.001203
    SUN 7/07/2013 -0.001203
    MON 8/07/2013 -0.136845
    TUE 9/07/2013 -0.23625
    WED 10/07/2013 -0.177235
    THU 11/07/2013 0.085858
    FRI 12/07/2013 0.166197
    SAT 13/07/2013 -0.001203
    SUN 14/07/2013 -0.001203
    MON 15/07/2013 0.308329
    TUE 16/07/2013 -0.035352
    WED 17/07/2013 0.114616
    THU 18/07/2013 0.032945
    FRI 19/07/2013 0.041459
    SAT 20/07/2013 -0.001203
    SUN 21/07/2013 -0.001203
    MON 22/07/2013 0.17396
    TUE 23/07/2013 0.056796
    WED 24/07/2013 0.127472
    THU 25/07/2013 -0.042523
    FRI 26/07/2013 -0.166361
    SAT 27/07/2013 -0.001203
    SUN 28/07/2013 -0.001203
    MON 29/07/2013 -0.195861
    TUE 30/07/2013 0.075902
    WED 31/07/2013 0.079589
    THU 1/08/2013 0.108637
    FRI 2/08/2013 -0.006343
    SAT 3/08/2013 -0.001203
    SUN 4/08/2013 -0.001203
    MON 5/08/2013 0.063288
    TUE 6/08/2013 -0.138087
    WED 7/08/2013 -0.009059
    THU 8/08/2013 0.170167
    FRI 9/08/2013 0.116942
    SAT 10/08/2013 -0.001203
    SUN 11/08/2013 -0.001203
    MON 12/08/2013 0.057878
    TUE 13/08/2013 -0.113502
    WED 14/08/2013 0.0354
    THU 15/08/2013 -0.243429
    FRI 16/08/2013 -0.184184
    SAT 17/08/2013 -0.001203
    SUN 18/08/2013 -0.001203
    MON 19/08/2013 -0.161437
    TUE 20/08/2013 -0.190355
    WED 21/08/2013 -0.150927
    THU 22/08/2013 0.155114
    FRI 23/08/2013 -0.020644
    SAT 24/08/2013 -0.235483
    SUN 25/08/2013 -0.001203
    MON 26/08/2013 -0.242823
    TUE 27/08/2013 0.133371
    WED 28/08/2013 0.110423
    THU 29/08/2013 0.268842
    FRI 30/08/2013 0.010329
    SAT 31/08/2013 -0.001203
    SUN 1/09/2013 -0.001203
    MON 2/09/2013 0.021121
    TUE 3/09/2013 0.037365
    WED 4/09/2013 -0.142421
    THU 5/09/2013 -0.18862
    FRI 6/09/2013 -0.12
    SAT 7/09/2013 -0.001203
    SUN 8/09/2013 -0.001203
    MON 9/09/2013 -0.239456
    TUE 10/09/2013 -0.092069
    WED 11/09/2013 0.207918
    THU 12/09/2013 -0.182465
    FRI 13/09/2013 0.005476
    SAT 14/09/2013 -0.001203
    SUN 15/09/2013 -0.001203
    MON 16/09/2013 0.3077
    TUE 17/09/2013 -0.099904
    WED 18/09/2013 0.24474
    THU 19/09/2013 -0.076384
    FRI 20/09/2013 0.068765
    SAT 21/09/2013 0.055997
    SUN 22/09/2013 -0.001203
    MON 23/09/2013 0.426214
    TUE 24/09/2013 -0.125967
    WED 25/09/2013 -0.023135
    THU 26/09/2013 0.226723
    FRI 27/09/2013 0.101991
    SAT 28/09/2013 -0.001203
    SUN 29/09/2013 -0.001203
    MON 30/09/2013 0.004176
    TUE 1/10/2013 0.079703
    WED 2/10/2013 0.133937
    THU 3/10/2013 -0.094944
    FRI 4/10/2013 0.056647
    SAT 5/10/2013 -0.001203
    SUN 6/10/2013 -0.001203
    MON 7/10/2013 0.040693
    TUE 8/10/2013 -0.215084
    WED 9/10/2013 0.05474
    THU 10/10/2013 -0.100073
    FRI 11/10/2013 -0.031536
    SAT 12/10/2013 -0.001203
    SUN 13/10/2013 -0.001203
    MON 14/10/2013 -0.168041
    TUE 15/10/2013 0.082195
    WED 16/10/2013 0.043408
    THU 17/10/2013 -0.226605
    FRI 18/10/2013 -0.054209
    SAT 19/10/2013 -0.001203
    SUN 20/10/2013 -0.001203
    MON 21/10/2013 0.377801
    TUE 22/10/2013 0.090724
    WED 23/10/2013 0.073235
    THU 24/10/2013 0.069807
    FRI 25/10/2013 0.31941
    SAT 26/10/2013 -0.080377
    SUN 27/10/2013 -0.001203
    MON 28/10/2013 -0.01611
    TUE 29/10/2013 0.051437
    WED 30/10/2013 -0.056939
    THU 31/10/2013 0.090925
    FRI 1/11/2013 0.077369
    SAT 2/11/2013 -0.001203
    SUN 3/11/2013 -0.001203
    MON 4/11/2013 -0.131855
    TUE 5/11/2013 -0.156091
    WED 6/11/2013 -0.103927
    THU 7/11/2013 -0.071825
    FRI 8/11/2013 -0.137421
    SAT 9/11/2013 -0.001203
    SUN 10/11/2013 -0.001203
    MON 11/11/2013 0.187233
    TUE 12/11/2013 -0.061722
    WED 13/11/2013 -0.157532
    THU 14/11/2013 -0.159759
    FRI 15/11/2013 0.104784
    SAT 16/11/2013 -0.001203
    SUN 17/11/2013 -0.001203
    MON 18/11/2013 0.158385
    TUE 19/11/2013 0.039839
    WED 20/11/2013 0.067305
    THU 21/11/2013 -0.045597
    FRI 22/11/2013 -0.122335
    SAT 23/11/2013 -0.001203
    SUN 24/11/2013 -0.001203
    MON 25/11/2013 -0.141786
    TUE 26/11/2013 0.112052
    WED 27/11/2013 0.109274
    THU 28/11/2013 0.174944
    FRI 29/11/2013 0.063482
    SAT 30/11/2013 -0.008426
    SUN 1/12/2013 -0.001203
    MON 2/12/2013 -0.100869
    TUE 3/12/2013 0.104056
    WED 4/12/2013 -0.206588
    THU 5/12/2013 -0.034543
    FRI 6/12/2013 -0.018951
    SAT 7/12/2013 -0.001203
    SUN 8/12/2013 -0.001203
    MON 9/12/2013 -0.173692
    TUE 10/12/2013 -0.029251
    WED 11/12/2013 0.204136
    THU 12/12/2013 0.05989
    FRI 13/12/2013 0.076532
    SAT 14/12/2013 -0.001203
    SUN 15/12/2013 -0.001203
    MON 16/12/2013 0.07748
    TUE 17/12/2013 0.059165
    WED 18/12/2013 0.223974
    THU 19/12/2013 0.000301
    FRI 20/12/2013 -0.005775
    SAT 21/12/2013 0.097396
    SUN 22/12/2013 -0.001203
    MON 23/12/2013 -0.118056
    TUE 24/12/2013 0.038394
    WED 25/12/2013 0.039192
    THU 26/12/2013 0.008967
    FRI 27/12/2013 -0.001203
    SAT 28/12/2013 -0.001203
    SUN 29/12/2013 -0.001203
    MON 30/12/2013 -0.001203
    TUE 31/12/2013 -0.12013
    WED 1/01/2014 0.091448
    THU 2/01/2014 0.078445
    FRI 3/01/2014 -0.001203
    SAT 4/01/2014 -0.001203
    SUN 5/01/2014 -0.001203
    MON 6/01/2014 -0.193737
    TUE 7/01/2014 -0.00299
    WED 8/01/2014 0.013596
    THU 9/01/2014 0.170628
    FRI 10/01/2014 -0.003735
    SAT 11/01/2014 -0.001203
    SUN 12/01/2014 -0.001203
    MON 13/01/2014 -0.040973
    TUE 14/01/2014 0.213634
    WED 15/01/2014 0.133597
    THU 16/01/2014 0.065337
    FRI 17/01/2014 -0.124298
    SAT 18/01/2014 -0.001203
    SUN 19/01/2014 -0.001203
    MON 20/01/2014 0.184058
    TUE 21/01/2014 0.187529
    WED 22/01/2014 0.06866
    THU 23/01/2014 -0.039033
    FRI 24/01/2014 -0.205383
    SAT 25/01/2014 0.271805
    SUN 26/01/2014 -0.001203
    MON 27/01/2014 0.138844
    TUE 28/01/2014 0.322269
    WED 29/01/2014 -0.009678
    THU 30/01/2014 0.014109
    FRI 31/01/2014 -0.127709
    SAT 1/02/2014 -0.001203
    SUN 2/02/2014 -0.001203
    MON 3/02/2014 0.198524
    TUE 4/02/2014 0.049031
    WED 5/02/2014 0.080206
    THU 6/02/2014 -0.074294
    FRI 7/02/2014 -0.032391
    SAT 8/02/2014 -0.001203
    SUN 9/02/2014 -0.001203
    MON 10/02/2014 -0.167806
    TUE 11/02/2014 -0.07901
    WED 12/02/2014 0.039876
    THU 13/02/2014 -0.078277
    FRI 14/02/2014 -0.109565
    SAT 15/02/2014 -0.001203
    SUN 16/02/2014 -0.001203
    MON 17/02/2014 0.182621
    TUE 18/02/2014 0.153088
    WED 19/02/2014 -0.083427
    THU 20/02/2014 0.012741
    FRI 21/02/2014 0.070166
    SAT 22/02/2014 -0.274579
    SUN 23/02/2014 -0.001203
    MON 24/02/2014 -0.02665
    TUE 25/02/2014 -0.115362
    WED 26/02/2014 0.131808
    THU 27/02/2014 0.081432
    FRI 28/02/2014 0.156256
    SAT 1/03/2014 -0.001203
    SUN 2/03/2014 -0.001203
    MON 3/03/2014 0.205875
    TUE 4/03/2014 0.082505
    WED 5/03/2014 0.163436
    THU 6/03/2014 -0.135873
    FRI 7/03/2014 -0.121401
    SAT 8/03/2014 -0.001203
    SUN 9/03/2014 -0.001203
    MON 10/03/2014 -0.121612
    TUE 11/03/2014 -0.15032
    WED 12/03/2014 -0.029481
    THU 13/03/2014 0.099123
    FRI 14/03/2014 0.057381
    SAT 15/03/2014 -0.001203
    SUN 16/03/2014 -0.001203
    MON 17/03/2014 0.062673
    TUE 18/03/2014 0.265899
    WED 19/03/2014 -0.051292
    THU 20/03/2014 -0.046936
    FRI 21/03/2014 -0.02655
    SAT 22/03/2014 -0.001203
    SUN 23/03/2014 -0.001203
    MON 24/03/2014 -0.170803
    TUE 25/03/2014 -0.016748
    WED 26/03/2014 0.045825
    THU 27/03/2014 0.12983
    FRI 28/03/2014 0.057275
    SAT 29/03/2014 0.015721
    SUN 30/03/2014 -0.001203
    MON 31/03/2014 0.095917
    TUE 1/04/2014 0.004882
    WED 2/04/2014 -0.013361
    THU 3/04/2014 -0.124072
    FRI 4/04/2014 -0.111618
    SAT 5/04/2014 -0.001203
    SUN 6/04/2014 -0.001203
    MON 7/04/2014 0.01952
    TUE 8/04/2014 0.158841
    WED 9/04/2014 0.220191
    THU 10/04/2014 0.005
    FRI 11/04/2014 0.044719
    SAT 12/04/2014 -0.001203
    SUN 13/04/2014 -0.001203
    MON 14/04/2014 0.107165
    TUE 15/04/2014 0.096109
    WED 16/04/2014 0.113293
    THU 17/04/2014 0.002397
    FRI 18/04/2014 0.027147
    SAT 19/04/2014 -0.001203
    SUN 20/04/2014 -0.001203
    MON 21/04/2014 -0.004573
    TUE 22/04/2014 -0.001203
    WED 23/04/2014 -0.001203
    THU 24/04/2014 -0.069767
    FRI 25/04/2014 0.142925
    SAT 26/04/2014 0.019423
    SUN 27/04/2014 -0.001203
    MON 28/04/2014 0.000848
    TUE 29/04/2014 0.041426
    WED 30/04/2014 0.090159
    THU 1/05/2014 -0.012803
    FRI 2/05/2014 0.0268
    SAT 3/05/2014 0
    SUN 4/05/2014 0
    MON 5/05/2014 0.0731
    TUE 6/05/2014 0.1123
    WED 7/05/2014 0.0891
    THU 8/05/2014 0.069
    FRI 9/05/2014 -0.0161
    SAT 10/05/2014 0
    SUN 11/05/2014 0
    MON 12/05/2014 0.0217
    TUE 13/05/2014 0.025
    WED 14/05/2014 -0.0361
    THU 15/05/2014 0.0276
    FRI 16/05/2014 0.182
    SAT 17/05/2014 0
    SUN 18/05/2014 0
    MON 19/05/2014 0.1384
    TUE 20/05/2014 0.0663
    WED 21/05/2014 0.064
    THU 22/05/2014 -0.0506
    FRI 23/05/2014 0.1071
    SAT 24/05/2014 0
    SUN 25/05/2014 0
    MON 26/05/2014 -0.1816
    TUE 27/05/2014 -0.0114
    WED 28/05/2014 0.1008
    THU 29/05/2014 0.0202
    FRI 30/05/2014 0.1908
    SAT 31/05/2014 0
    SUN 1/06/2014 0
    MON 2/06/2014 0.1357
    TUE 3/06/2014 -0.035
    WED 4/06/2014 -0.0856
    THU 5/06/2014 -0.1584
    FRI 6/06/2014 -0.1684
    SAT 7/06/2014 0
    SUN 8/06/2014 0
    MON 9/06/2014 0.0582
    TUE 10/06/2014 0.0639
    WED 11/06/2014 0
    THU 12/06/2014 0.0185
    FRI 13/06/2014 -0.1077
    SAT 14/06/2014 0
    SUN 15/06/2014 0
    MON 16/06/2014 0.1103
    TUE 17/06/2014 0.0681
    WED 18/06/2014 0.1191
    THU 19/06/2014 0.0686
    FRI 20/06/2014 -0.0497
    SAT 21/06/2014 0
    SUN 22/06/2014 0
    MON 23/06/2014 0.1844
    TUE 24/06/2014 -0.0191
    WED 25/06/2014 0.0027
    THU 26/06/2014 0.1933
    FRI 27/06/2014 0.1646
    SAT 28/06/2014 0
    SUN 29/06/2014 0
    MON 30/06/2014 0.0336
    TUE 1/07/2014 0
    WED 2/07/2014 0
    THU 3/07/2014 -0.1351
    FRI 4/07/2014 -0.0083
    SAT 5/07/2014 0
    SUN 6/07/2014 0
    MON 7/07/2014 0.0716
    TUE 8/07/2014 -0.0824
    WED 9/07/2014 0.0416
    THU 10/07/2014 0.1034
    FRI 11/07/2014 0.1302
    SAT 12/07/2014 0
    SUN 13/07/2014 0
    MON 14/07/2014 0.1259
    TUE 15/07/2014 0.1211
    WED 16/07/2014 -0.0646
    THU 17/07/2014 0.0181
    FRI 18/07/2014 0.0507
    SAT 19/07/2014 0
    SUN 20/07/2014 0
    MON 21/07/2014 0.097
    TUE 22/07/2014 0.0604
    WED 23/07/2014 -0.0251
    THU 24/07/2014 0.0255
    FRI 25/07/2014 -0.0656
    SAT 26/07/2014 0
    SUN 27/07/2014 0
    MON 28/07/2014 -0.0785
    TUE 29/07/2014 0.0483
    WED 30/07/2014 0.0348
    THU 31/07/2014 -0.0328
    FRI 1/08/2014 0.0082
    SAT 2/08/2014 0
    SUN 3/08/2014 0
    MON 4/08/2014 -0.1576
    TUE 5/08/2014 0.0222
    WED 6/08/2014 0.0251
    THU 7/08/2014 0.0958
    FRI 8/08/2014 -0.0622
    SAT 9/08/2014 0
    SUN 10/08/2014 0
    MON 11/08/2014 0.2851
    TUE 12/08/2014 0.3081
    WED 13/08/2014 -0.2705
    THU 14/08/2014 -0.0516
    FRI 15/08/2014 -0.0242
    SAT 16/08/2014 0
    SUN 17/08/2014 0
    MON 18/08/2014 0.2051
    TUE 19/08/2014 0.0735
    WED 20/08/2014 0.051
    THU 21/08/2014 -0.0948
    FRI 22/08/2014 -0.0586
    SAT 23/08/2014 0
    SUN 24/08/2014 0
    MON 25/08/2014 -0.0852
    TUE 26/08/2014 0.0125
    WED 27/08/2014 0.101
    THU 28/08/2014 0.2117
    FRI 29/08/2014 0.138
    SAT 30/08/2014 0
    SUN 31/08/2014 0
    MON 1/09/2014 0.0396
    TUE 2/09/2014 0.0791
    WED 3/09/2014 -0.0448
    THU 4/09/2014 -0.1498
    FRI 5/09/2014 -0.1584
    SAT 6/09/2014 0
    SUN 7/09/2014 0
    MON 8/09/2014 -0.0208
    TUE 9/09/2014 -0.0775
    WED 10/09/2014 0.0102

  20. #20
    Registered User
    Join Date
    MS-Off Ver

    Re: how to calculate weekly and monthly percentage returns from daily figures

    Last bit I have...

    I hope you know how to get the program to put the data into 3 columns. If not, plse don't tackle it at all.

    THU 11/09/2014 -0.5138
    FRI 12/09/2014 -0.0772
    SAT 13/09/2014 0
    SUN 14/09/2014 0
    MON 15/09/2014 -0.0762
    TUE 16/09/2014 -0.0795
    WED 17/09/2014 -0.0347
    THU 18/09/2014 0.0803
    FRI 19/09/2014 -0.0401
    SAT 20/09/2014 0
    SUN 21/09/2014 0

  21. #21
    Registered User
    Join Date
    MS-Off Ver

    Re: how to calculate weekly and monthly percentage returns from daily figures

    Hi Crooza,

    Am having a few PC gliches as well as nodding off . Age. Your offer is .... huge. I feel guilty about it, considering how helpful the code you sent already has been. In fact I borrowed two excel beginner books today cos I'd like to understand it and be able to make charts etc.

    If you're busy or otherwise occupied plse say so and I'll complete it in my plodding way. I'm not letting 'em off the hook as they cost me sleep and dollars with their false advertising and I'm gonna prove it using their own data.

    I'll try upload.....

    FRI 1/07/2011 0
    SAT 2/07/2011 -0.0011
    SUN 3/07/2011 -0.0011
    MON 4/07/2011 0
    TUE 5/07/2011 -0.1477
    WED 6/07/2011 0.1474
    THU 7/07/2011 0.1039
    FRI 8/07/2011 0.0575
    SAT 9/07/2011 -0.0011
    SUN 10/07/2011 -0.0011
    MON 11/07/2011 -0.0244
    TUE 12/07/2011 0.0758
    WED 13/07/2011 0.3606
    THU 14/07/2011 0.3895
    FRI 15/07/2011 -0.0348
    SAT 16/07/2011 -0.0011
    SUN 17/07/2011 -0.0011
    MON 18/07/2011 0.0503
    TUE 19/07/2011 0.0975
    WED 20/07/2011 0.0732
    THU 21/07/2011 0.0275
    FRI 22/07/2011 -0.1733
    SAT 23/07/2011 -0.0011
    SUN 24/07/2011 -0.0011
    MON 25/07/2011 -0.032
    TUE 26/07/2011 0.0499
    WED 27/07/2011 0.1295
    THU 28/07/2011 -0.0142
    FRI 29/07/2011 -0.0947
    SAT 30/07/2011 -0.0011
    SUN 31/07/2011 -0.0011
    MON 1/08/2011 0.1506
    TUE 2/08/2011 0.3857
    WED 3/08/2011 0.0801
    THU 4/08/2011 0.2252
    FRI 5/08/2011 0.3624
    SAT 6/08/2011 -0.0011
    SUN 7/08/2011 -0.0011
    MON 8/08/2011 -0.1103
    TUE 9/08/2011 0.5186
    WED 10/08/2011 -0.1453
    THU 11/08/2011 0.0481
    FRI 12/08/2011 0.0794
    SAT 13/08/2011 -0.0011
    SUN 14/08/2011 -0.0011
    MON 15/08/2011 0.0623
    TUE 16/08/2011 0.0954
    WED 17/08/2011 -0.2847
    THU 18/08/2011 0.1565
    FRI 19/08/2011 0.1253
    SAT 20/08/2011 -0.0011
    SUN 21/08/2011 -0.0011
    MON 22/08/2011 0.3522
    TUE 23/08/2011 0.2383
    WED 24/08/2011 -0.0804
    THU 25/08/2011 -0.3908
    FRI 26/08/2011 -0.0542
    SAT 27/08/2011 0.3108
    SUN 28/08/2011 -0.0011
    MON 29/08/2011 -0.1042
    TUE 30/08/2011 0.0619
    WED 31/08/2011 -0.0807
    THU 1/09/2011 0.1046
    FRI 2/09/2011 0.0227
    SAT 3/09/2011 -0.0011
    SUN 4/09/2011 -0.0011
    MON 5/09/2011 0.0227
    TUE 6/09/2011 0.1752
    WED 7/09/2011 0.4187
    THU 8/09/2011 0.0462
    FRI 9/09/2011 -0.2938
    SAT 10/09/2011 -0.0011
    SUN 11/09/2011 -0.0011
    MON 12/09/2011 0.2475
    TUE 13/09/2011 0.0417
    WED 14/09/2011 0.3082
    THU 15/09/2011 -0.1217
    FRI 16/09/2011 0.1186
    SAT 17/09/2011 -0.0011
    SUN 18/09/2011 -0.0011
    MON 19/09/2011 -0.205
    TUE 20/09/2011 -0.138
    WED 21/09/2011 0.3231
    THU 22/09/2011 -0.0109
    FRI 23/09/2011 -0.0655
    SAT 24/09/2011 -0.1632
    SUN 25/09/2011 -0.0011
    MON 26/09/2011 0.3376
    TUE 27/09/2011 0.0164
    WED 28/09/2011 -0.0434
    THU 29/09/2011 -0.5036
    FRI 30/09/2011 -0.1216
    SAT 1/10/2011 -0.0011
    SUN 2/10/2011 -0.0011
    MON 3/10/2011 0.0838
    TUE 4/10/2011 0.1506
    WED 5/10/2011 0.1546
    THU 6/10/2011 0.4909
    FRI 7/10/2011 -0.2766
    SAT 8/10/2011 -0.0011
    SUN 9/10/2011 -0.0011
    MON 10/10/2011 -0.2256
    TUE 11/10/2011 -0.1614
    WED 12/10/2011 -0.1263
    THU 13/10/2011 -0.1314
    FRI 14/10/2011 -0.0135
    SAT 15/10/2011 -0.0011
    SUN 16/10/2011 -0.0011
    MON 17/10/2011 -0.2436
    TUE 18/10/2011 0.0333
    WED 19/10/2011 -0.1408
    THU 20/10/2011 0.2489
    FRI 21/10/2011 -0.0148
    SAT 22/10/2011 -0.0011
    SUN 23/10/2011 -0.0011
    MON 24/10/2011 0.1091
    TUE 25/10/2011 -0.1369
    WED 26/10/2011 -0.0119
    THU 27/10/2011 0.1271
    FRI 28/10/2011 0.3359
    SAT 29/10/2011 0.0316
    SUN 30/10/2011 -0.0011
    MON 31/10/2011 -0.3706
    TUE 1/11/2011 -0.0311
    WED 2/11/2011 0.2605
    THU 3/11/2011 0.388
    FRI 4/11/2011 0.2881
    SAT 5/11/2011 -0.0011
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    MON 7/11/2011 0.0287
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    WED 9/11/2011 0.1479
    THU 10/11/2011 0.0952
    FRI 11/11/2011 -0.0227
    SAT 12/11/2011 -0.0011
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    MON 14/11/2011 0.2339
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    THU 17/11/2011 0.2312
    FRI 18/11/2011 0.1543
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    MON 21/11/2011 -0.1262
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    MON 28/11/2011 0.0073
    TUE 29/11/2011 -0.069
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    THU 1/12/2011 -0.1696
    FRI 2/12/2011 0.0729
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    MON 5/12/2011 -0.0633
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    THU 8/12/2011 0.149
    FRI 9/12/2011 -0.0754
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    MON 12/12/2011 0.0698
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    FRI 16/12/2011 -0.0058
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    MON 19/12/2011 0.2288
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    SAT 24/12/2011 0.0037
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    MON 9/01/2012 0.0886
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    MON 16/01/2012 0.0843
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    WED 18/01/2012 0.3867
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    FRI 20/01/2012 0.045
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    SUN 29/01/2012 -0.0011
    MON 30/01/2012 0.1237
    TUE 31/01/2012 0.3944
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    MON 6/02/2012 -0.0286
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    SUN 12/02/2012 -0.001121
    MON 13/02/2012 -0.120729
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    MON 20/02/2012 0.154083
    TUE 21/02/2012 -0.233337
    WED 22/02/2012 -0.119283
    THU 23/02/2012 0.127704
    FRI 24/02/2012 0.086555
    SAT 25/02/2012 0.003306
    SUN 26/02/2012 -0.001121
    MON 27/02/2012 0.14644
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    SUN 11/03/2012 -0.001121
    MON 12/03/2012 0.041568
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    MON 19/03/2012 -0.432316
    TUE 20/03/2012 0.075894
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    THU 22/03/2012 0.033265
    FRI 23/03/2012 0.055839
    SAT 24/03/2012 0.114663
    SUN 25/03/2012 -0.001121
    MON 26/03/2012 0.127527
    TUE 27/03/2012 0.109361
    WED 28/03/2012 0.033913
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    FRI 30/03/2012 0.181065
    SAT 31/03/2012 -0.001121
    SUN 1/04/2012 -0.001121
    MON 2/04/2012 0.208447
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    WED 4/04/2012 -0.069294
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    FRI 6/04/2012 -0.074827
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    SUN 8/04/2012 -0.001121
    MON 9/04/2012 0.056125
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    THU 12/04/2012 0.48547
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    MON 16/04/2012 -0.053079
    TUE 17/04/2012 0.232889
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    SAT 21/04/2012 -0.001121
    SUN 22/04/2012 -0.001121
    MON 23/04/2012 0.068844
    TUE 24/04/2012 -0.032086
    WED 25/04/2012 0.203505
    THU 26/04/2012 0.122012
    FRI 27/04/2012 0.005521
    SAT 28/04/2012 0.090316
    SUN 29/04/2012 -0.001121
    MON 30/04/2012 -0.062657
    TUE 1/05/2012 0.178361
    WED 2/05/2012 0.009708
    THU 3/05/2012 0.366735
    FRI 4/05/2012 -0.12354
    SAT 5/05/2012 -0.001121
    SUN 6/05/2012 -0.001121
    MON 7/05/2012 0.201643
    TUE 8/05/2012 0.104886
    WED 9/05/2012 0.339094
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    FRI 11/05/2012 0.08647
    SAT 12/05/2012 -0.001121
    SUN 13/05/2012 -0.001121
    MON 14/05/2012 -0.027697
    TUE 15/05/2012 0.158237
    WED 16/05/2012 0.071883
    THU 17/05/2012 0.021225
    FRI 18/05/2012 0.04215
    SAT 19/05/2012 -0.001121
    SUN 20/05/2012 -0.001121
    MON 21/05/2012 -0.054506
    TUE 22/05/2012 0.317253
    WED 23/05/2012 -0.181027
    THU 24/05/2012 -0.138233
    FRI 25/05/2012 0.197213
    SAT 26/05/2012 -0.066257
    SUN 27/05/2012 -0.001121
    MON 28/05/2012 0.050966
    TUE 29/05/2012 -0.033819
    WED 30/05/2012 -0.030741
    THU 31/05/2012 0.136072
    FRI 1/06/2012 0.294679
    SAT 2/06/2012 -0.001121
    SUN 3/06/2012 -0.001121
    MON 4/06/2012 0.38891
    TUE 5/06/2012 0.230844
    WED 6/06/2012 0.054997
    THU 7/06/2012 -0.416563
    FRI 8/06/2012 -0.179626
    SAT 9/06/2012 -0.001121
    SUN 10/06/2012 -0.001121
    MON 11/06/2012 -0.157827
    TUE 12/06/2012 0.153879
    WED 13/06/2012 0.042331
    THU 14/06/2012 -0.018781
    FRI 15/06/2012 -0.164334
    SAT 16/06/2012 -0.001121
    SUN 17/06/2012 -0.001121
    MON 18/06/2012 0.268691
    TUE 19/06/2012 0.008593
    WED 20/06/2012 -0.134899
    THU 21/06/2012 0.172356
    FRI 22/06/2012 -0.294506
    SAT 23/06/2012 0.04916
    SUN 24/06/2012 -0.001121
    MON 25/06/2012 0.020007
    TUE 26/06/2012 0.135073
    WED 27/06/2012 0.149953
    THU 28/06/2012 0.092747
    FRI 29/06/2012 -0.092216
    SAT 30/06/2012 -0.552221
    SUN 1/07/2012 0
    MON 2/07/2012 0
    TUE 3/07/2012 0
    WED 4/07/2012 0.025417
    THU 5/07/2012 -0.001672
    FRI 6/07/2012 -0.065355
    SAT 7/07/2012 -0.001203
    SUN 8/07/2012 -0.001203
    MON 9/07/2012 0.259243
    TUE 10/07/2012 0.038867
    WED 11/07/2012 0.221651
    THU 12/07/2012 0.095505
    FRI 13/07/2012 0.042338
    SAT 14/07/2012 -0.001203
    SUN 15/07/2012 -0.001203
    MON 16/07/2012 0.304163
    TUE 17/07/2012 0.026897
    WED 18/07/2012 0.016163
    THU 19/07/2012 0.018437
    FRI 20/07/2012 0.075977
    SAT 21/07/2012 -0.001203
    SUN 22/07/2012 -0.001203
    MON 23/07/2012 -0.013506
    TUE 24/07/2012 0.100641
    WED 25/07/2012 0.280603
    THU 26/07/2012 -0.074188
    FRI 27/07/2012 0.069525
    SAT 28/07/2012 -0.001203
    SUN 29/07/2012 -0.001203
    MON 30/07/2012 -0.065498
    TUE 31/07/2012 -0.48564
    WED 1/08/2012 -0.15696
    THU 2/08/2012 0.117483
    FRI 3/08/2012 -0.084002
    SAT 4/08/2012 -0.001203
    SUN 5/08/2012 -0.001203
    MON 6/08/2012 0.015616
    TUE 7/08/2012 -0.006755
    WED 8/08/2012 0.087702
    THU 9/08/2012 -0.374236
    FRI 10/08/2012 -0.084318
    SAT 11/08/2012 -0.001203
    SUN 12/08/2012 -0.001203
    MON 13/08/2012 -0.039113
    TUE 14/08/2012 0.254427
    WED 15/08/2012 -0.018201
    THU 16/08/2012 -0.153537
    FRI 17/08/2012 -0.198095
    SAT 18/08/2012 -0.001203
    SUN 19/08/2012 -0.001203
    MON 20/08/2012 -0.22315
    TUE 21/08/2012 0.066478
    WED 22/08/2012 0.074659
    THU 23/08/2012 -0.004697
    FRI 24/08/2012 0.247648
    SAT 25/08/2012 0.017703
    SUN 26/08/2012 -0.001203
    MON 27/08/2012 0.246227
    TUE 28/08/2012 0.062324
    WED 29/08/2012 0.129701
    THU 30/08/2012 0.042312
    FRI 31/08/2012 0.00969
    SAT 1/09/2012 -0.001203
    SUN 2/09/2012 -0.001203
    MON 3/09/2012 0.203334
    TUE 4/09/2012 0.137346
    WED 5/09/2012 0.041208
    THU 6/09/2012 -0.004191
    FRI 7/09/2012 0.122405
    SAT 8/09/2012 -0.001203
    SUN 9/09/2012 -0.001203
    MON 10/09/2012 -0.198554
    TUE 11/09/2012 -0.123308
    WED 12/09/2012 0.173723
    THU 13/09/2012 0.028262
    FRI 14/09/2012 -0.170169
    SAT 15/09/2012 -0.001203
    SUN 16/09/2012 -0.001203
    MON 17/09/2012 -0.006516
    TUE 18/09/2012 -0.120234
    WED 19/09/2012 -0.182615
    THU 20/09/2012 0.253684
    FRI 21/09/2012 0.031656
    SAT 22/09/2012 -0.001203
    SUN 23/09/2012 -0.001203
    MON 24/09/2012 0.309936
    TUE 25/09/2012 -0.132963
    WED 26/09/2012 0.187307
    THU 27/09/2012 0.10392
    FRI 28/09/2012 0.21333
    SAT 29/09/2012 0.016791
    SUN 30/09/2012 -0.001203
    MON 1/10/2012 0.060958
    TUE 2/10/2012 0.125291
    WED 3/10/2012 0.026145
    THU 4/10/2012 0.128299
    FRI 5/10/2012 0.15422
    SAT 6/10/2012 -0.001203
    SUN 7/10/2012 -0.001203
    MON 8/10/2012 -0.109087
    TUE 9/10/2012 -0.135921
    WED 10/10/2012 -0.019718
    THU 11/10/2012 0.040616
    FRI 12/10/2012 -0.008828
    SAT 13/10/2012 -0.001203
    SUN 14/10/2012 -0.001203
    MON 15/10/2012 0.163797
    TUE 16/10/2012 0.052983
    WED 17/10/2012 0.059192
    THU 18/10/2012 -0.069063
    FRI 19/10/2012 -0.245312
    SAT 20/10/2012 -0.001203
    SUN 21/10/2012 -0.001203
    MON 22/10/2012 -0.213427
    TUE 23/10/2012 0.144087
    WED 24/10/2012 0.053691
    THU 25/10/2012 -0.078728
    FRI 26/10/2012 -0.020334
    SAT 27/10/2012 0.018259
    SUN 28/10/2012 -0.001203
    MON 29/10/2012 -0.128934
    TUE 30/10/2012 0.118607
    WED 31/10/2012 0.177704
    THU 1/11/2012 0.100851
    FRI 2/11/2012 0.03491
    SAT 3/11/2012 -0.001203
    SUN 4/11/2012 -0.001203
    MON 5/11/2012 0.017796
    TUE 6/11/2012 -0.135697
    WED 7/11/2012 0.081279
    THU 8/11/2012 -0.117721
    FRI 9/11/2012 0.089767
    SAT 10/11/2012 -0.001203
    SUN 11/11/2012 -0.001203
    MON 12/11/2012 0.094857
    TUE 13/11/2012 0.097471
    WED 14/11/2012 0.058333
    THU 15/11/2012 0.05208
    FRI 16/11/2012 -0.02792
    SAT 17/11/2012 -0.001203
    SUN 18/11/2012 -0.001203
    MON 19/11/2012 0.080775
    TUE 20/11/2012 -0.010525
    WED 21/11/2012 -0.094417
    THU 22/11/2012 -0.17152
    FRI 23/11/2012 -0.080367
    SAT 24/11/2012 0.136708
    SUN 25/11/2012 -0.001203
    MON 26/11/2012 -0.103432
    TUE 27/11/2012 -0.078593
    WED 28/11/2012 0.107474
    THU 29/11/2012 -0.035926
    FRI 30/11/2012 0.183555
    SAT 1/12/2012 0.019504
    SUN 2/12/2012 -0.001203
    MON 3/12/2012 0.01676
    TUE 4/12/2012 0.177282
    WED 5/12/2012 0.069148
    THU 6/12/2012 -0.039458
    FRI 7/12/2012 0.017797
    SAT 8/12/2012 -0.001203
    SUN 9/12/2012 -0.001203
    MON 10/12/2012 0.152156
    TUE 11/12/2012 -0.023155
    WED 12/12/2012 -0.058452
    THU 13/12/2012 0.061212
    FRI 14/12/2012 -0.204735
    SAT 15/12/2012 -0.001203
    SUN 16/12/2012 -0.001203
    MON 17/12/2012 -0.165803
    TUE 18/12/2012 -0.125793
    WED 19/12/2012 0.031584
    THU 20/12/2012 -0.089571
    FRI 21/12/2012 0.02088
    SAT 22/12/2012 -0.001203
    SUN 23/12/2012 -0.001203
    MON 24/12/2012 0.095933
    TUE 25/12/2012 0.139761
    WED 26/12/2012 -0.028873
    THU 27/12/2012 -0.001203
    FRI 28/12/2012 -0.001203
    SAT 29/12/2012 -0.117312
    SUN 30/12/2012 -0.001203
    MON 31/12/2012 0.079447

  22. #22
    Forum Expert Crooza's Avatar
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    Re: how to calculate weekly and monthly percentage returns from daily figures

    monthly summary.txt
    weekly and monthly rate changes.xlsx
    weekly and monthly rate changes.txtBen,

    Only took about 5 minutes so don't feel bad (but you better do a manual check just to make yourself confident that it's right)

    I've attached the spreadsheet just in case your program can read it - that way you can look at the formulas and the way I've structured the data. I've also added two text files in case you can't read it with the detail and the monthly summary.

    If you find errors let me know.

  23. #23
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    Re: how to calculate weekly and monthly percentage returns from daily figures

    Thanks greatly Crooza. Will look at it in detail tonight. Hope this doesn't post twice as I just tried to send same msg, but must of hit wrong button. Cheers for now, have home repair to tackle b4 dark.

  24. #24
    Forum Expert Crooza's Avatar
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    Re: how to calculate weekly and monthly percentage returns from daily figures

    No problems let me know how you go. I think you get the award for the longest single post with #20 and #21 ;-)

  25. #25
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    Re: how to calculate weekly and monthly percentage returns from daily figures


    What you've done and sent is sooo excellent. Will do some checks in my slow style. I guess all the posts reflect my rank learner status, with an advanced problem The Kingsoft spreadsheets program opened it up no problem. Good freeware.

    I like also how when I click on a cell I can see your formula, so the document will help my learning and understanding of formula.

    7 negative months showing and no doubt Sept this year would also be a negative month if I get more current data. That will make 8 negative months in 39 months. Too volatile for me. I put the retirement funds in on Sep 1 cos they advertised risk as no greater than money in the bank with negative returns expected only 0.4 of a year over 20 year period which = 2% of the time. Their negative monthly returns are occurring at around 20% of the time.... 10 times more frequently than advertised and even worse than I thought. I'll give them opportunity to compensate me for losses, otherwise formal complaints to ombudsman and also trade practices regulator for false and misleading advertising will be happening.

    The only thing I noticed was the monthly figures show beside the 1st day of the following month eg the last day of the first month finishes at row 32 and the monthly figure shows in row 33 being the first day of the next month. Maybe that is the proper protocol, I wouldn't know. I looked at the monthly calculation formula, but was too advanced for me.

    Thanks so much. You're an excel guru and legend in my book.


  26. #26
    Forum Expert Crooza's Avatar
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    Re: how to calculate weekly and monthly percentage returns from daily figures

    weekly and monthly rate changes.xlsx


    try this. You're right I should have used the last day of the month not the first day of the month. (the formula was slightly easier for the first of teh month becasue each month has a first but the last day of the month was different due to there being differnt days so I had to work around that). Anyway I sorted it out. I've left both columns in the spreadsheet.

    As always. Please do a manual check to make sure the numbers are what you want

  27. #27
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    Re: how to calculate weekly and monthly percentage returns from daily figures


    Thanks for the new monthly figures.

    I’m not sure whether my alternate software might be the reason, but there is no value showing for the first month, or for Dec 2011. It just says #N/A.

    The revised monthly calculation also shows a result for part month Sep 2014, but shows a positive figure which can’t be right looking at the disasterous Sep 2014 daily earnings rates.

    There “looks’ to be a fair variation for some months just from a one day adjustment. Dec 2012, as an example, shows a fair size positive gain. In practice I think the 0.019504 has been added into the calculation (the first day of the month) and 0.060162 has been removed from the calculation (being the first of the following month). So a larger positive return was removed than was added yet the new monthly figure shows that the monthly return increased significantly?

    My brain has trouble properly grasping the compounding effect of percentages when they cycle between positive and negative.

    As part of grasping the changes if I look at May 2014, the last day of month was a zero day (so no changes at that end of month needed ) and the first day of month was a negative figure. Therefore the new monthly figure, is it just a case of applying the negative day to the previous monthly calculation for May? Or does every day need to be calculated separately starting with the negative day of the first of the month.

    I’m not sure of the correct approach to manually check new monthly versus previous monthly figures. To remove the last day (being the first day of the following month) from the original calculation would be easy, but I “think” I have to include a first of month day at the beginning to complete the adjustment? If so, I think, to be correct, I would need to then follow a very much longer process and start raw from first day of the month and calculate each day manually up to and including last day of month, then check result against the new monthly calc’s?

    A shortcut approach I thought might be to starting with the first of the month figure then apply the original monthly figure to it, then slice out the last day of the original monthly figure (as it was actually the first day of the next month per the original formula.). But again I suspect this approach would not be accurate, because once an additional day is added at the beginning then I ‘think’ each subsequent day would need to be calculated one at a time to be accurate? I’ll need to be as accurate as I can because no doubt the Fund would employ some spreadsheet aces, who’ll try to discredit my evidence of their false representations. Sorry this post is a bit long winded. Your separate "index" also makes for Great ammo in identifying significant negative return periods.

    thanx & regards,

  28. #28
    Forum Expert Crooza's Avatar
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    Re: how to calculate weekly and monthly percentage returns from daily figures


    apologies, I had the old file working and forgot to save it and the one I posted up was a working one which had the wrong formulas in it. I should have been more careful. This is the one you want and I've just gone through it and checked the first few months entries. I should have checked it. Again I apologise.

    try this one as I'm much more comfortable with it. I think all your issues above are related to me giving you the wrong file so try again with this one.

    By the way while the formula I used was to automate everything if you want to manually check just look at how I did the index ratio. the index for date 1 / index for date 2 -1 will give you the percentage difference between the two dates so you can check any period you want with this formula

    weekly and monthly rate changes.xlsx

  29. #29
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    Re: how to calculate weekly and monthly percentage returns from daily figures

    Very excellent help once more, and no apologies needed at all. I’m very lucky to have received such help from a very decent person, and very smart cookie at that.

    I have downloaded the file and will go over it tomorrow, when brain is not so fatigued. The last monthly return, for part Sep 2014, doesn’t appear right to my eyeballs, from glancing the string of daily negative returns received, espec -0.5138 on 11.09.2014. The return I think should be significantly more negative.

    I’ve noticed from the “index” column, that you so wisely suggested and included, that there are also variations between the actual annual returns (based on their data) and their advertised annual returns (according to my math).

    They advertised historic annual returns of 10.13% for 2011/12, 2.35% for 2012/13, and 5.17% for 2013/14. According to my check against the index column the first year was confirmed as correct, but the second and third years came out as 1.91% and 5.08% respectively. So this appears to be more false advertising that I can make reference to, although I will double check my calc first. Thanks.


  30. #30
    Forum Expert Crooza's Avatar
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    Re: how to calculate weekly and monthly percentage returns from daily figures

    weekly and monthly rate changes.xlsx


    the numbers you refer to are right but I should have explained what I did. I don't like using percentages, I rather use absolute numbers. Your data came across in the original file as percentages so 0.5 (0.5%) in your data in real terms is 0.005 or 0.5/100.

    In the weekly data I convert by multiplying and dividing ny 100 where necessary to do the calculations.The weekly figures were displayed as percentages (so you can compare directly with the daily figures). When I did the monthly figures the formula was so convoluted that I didn't do thie and I'm so used to reading numbers in their raw form I automatically convert them to percentages in my mind. What I didn't do was tell you

    So the numbers were 'correct' but not presented as percentages. I've corrected this now and attach a modified workbook. This should make your Sept 14 figures match up with your daily figures.

    Thanks for checking.

  31. #31
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    Re: how to calculate weekly and monthly percentage returns from daily figures

    Thanks again. I spent some bits of time going over it, and learning basic code language. I will have to look closer at your changes during tomorrow. Thanks so much.

    For me to manually check monthly returns I have thought that rather than one day at a time it would be so much easier to simply compare the figures for the last day of each month using the “index” column, seeing how it is record of running percentage changes eg if last day of one month was 120 and last day of next month was 125 then monthly % return would be:

    (125-120) / (120/100) = 4.1666666666666666666666666666667

    Can you see any risk in this approach? It does rely fully on the Index column being 100% accurate which I guess it must be, although there is a difference between the two most recent yearly returns that the Fund advertised and what I came up with from using the index column figures as basis for my check.

    Is there any way that the index figures could be inaccurate or partly inaccurate? It “looks” like the same code runs from start to finish so my thinking is the Fund must have falsely advertised higher than actual returns deliberately for last two financial years. Unless they topped up this particular investment option out of their reserves rather show the real returns.

    I made my first spreadsheet chart from your index figures, though I hardly knew what I was doing. I hope to progress to one that will highlight the discrepancy between their actual periods of negative returns and what they advertise.

    Attached Images Attached Images

  32. #32
    Forum Expert Crooza's Avatar
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    Re: how to calculate weekly and monthly percentage returns from daily figures


    Sorry for delay. Been caught up on other matters.

    I checked your annual figures and I agree with your working. Your methodology seems sound to me. The index column should be correct providided the daily movements you provided me originally were correct.


    Well done on the chart. In teh attached above is anotehr example of a chart which will show the historic trend

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