Quote Originally Posted by colarguns View Post
It will look at the date in cell A1, and will determine if the date entered in cell A1 falls between two date periods (Start and End dates) in the 3 columns explained. Then it will give you the correct pay period.
You may not realize it, or maybe you are on the wrong forum , but that's the first time in this thread you made it clear what you wanted. Obviously you don't believe that, else you wouldn't have scolded us. Funny to my eye.

"How to find a date in a series of pay periods"

VLOOKUP will do the work just fine. You only need the START of each pay period, the END is implied by the start of the next tier. So, assuming your reference list is on Sheet2 in columns A:C, and your formula is on Sheet1 in B1...

A1: Enter your date to find
B1: =VLOOKUP(A1, Sheet2!A:C, 3, 1)

The fourth parameter "1" is the trick. It means "if the date searched is not found, find the closest date below it in column A and return the value from column 3.

Just in case a date might get entered which is too low or too high, I would suggest putting values in the table that give you a response for those as well.