Hi Everyone,
I've been banging my head against the wall for the past two days trying to get this to work.
On sheet1 I have all the tracking data, sheet2 is resources for the spread sheet, sheet3 is the status of what the technicians have done, along with a chart. The problem lies on sheet3 when trying to count who did the work.
I've recently added VB to allow for multiple techs to be selected when doing a task. There's only three tasks, New Install, SSHD Swap, Terminal Swap. There are times when two technicians do the install and I want to make sure they get credited for doing the work. When doing the CountIFs, the result zeros out when the cell has a line feed CHAR(10). When I add the line feed in the search criteria, it's ignored.
=COUNTIFS(PALLP!$J$797:$J$800,A36,PALLP!$E$797:$E$800,"SSHD Swap")+COUNTIFS(PALLP!$J$797:$J$800,A36&CHAR(10)&"",PALLP!$E$797:$E$800,"SSHD Swap")+COUNTIFS(PALLP!$J$797:$J$800,""&CHAR(10)&A36,PALLP!$E$797:$E$800,"SSHD Swap")
(I'm using the "SSHD Swap" because it was less to type while testing)
For may sample data, I'm using Tech 31 and Tech 3
I tried this formula too, but doesn't work.
=SUM(IF(AND(A8=PALLP!$J$797:$J$800,"SSHD Swap"=PALLP!$E$797:$E$800)+IF(OR(A8&""=PALLP!$J$797:$J$800),(""&A8=PALLP!$J$797:$J$800),(""&A8&""=PALLP!$J$797:$J$800)),1,0))
Any help/input would be greatly appreciated. File attached.