Hello! I know how to use text stored in quotes with an IF function to perform a logical test, such as =IF(A1="red",result if true, result if false). Is there a way to base the logical test on a text string stored in a different cell?
Sheet1 contains a large dataset. Each row contains a numerical score (0-100) in column A, one of 50 U.S. state abbreviations in column B (eg, IL, MS, WA), and several other criteria used in other parts of the spreadsheet. On the summary tab, I need to do some calculations (like median and standard deviation) on the scores on sheet1 based on text in several of the other columns, such as col A (state). Since MEDIAN and STDEV functions don't have "ifs" variants (like SUMIFS and AVERAGEIFS), I need to use IF statements to make the calculations work.
I want to construct one IF statement where the logical test is based on a text string contained in a cell from the same row so that when I pull down the formula to fill in, the rows below the first formula calculate based on the corresponding text (state abbreviation) in that row.
Thanks in advance for your input!