Hi...here is what I am trying to do. I have a spreadsheet and in cells B1 thru B10, I have vlookup formulas [=vlookup(A1;CE8:CF41:2)], which the value (cell A1) changes to correlate to cells A1:A10. The results from these vlookups are then summed in cell C1[=sum(B1:B10)]. My problem is that there isn't always data in cells A1:A10 (these are links from another spreadsheet). And when I am missing data in these value cells, I get a result of #N/A which messes up the whole function all the way to cell C1. When I have data in these cells, everything works as planned. My question is, is there a way to write this vlookup so that if the value ("A1") is null, I simply get a null value/ empty cells instead of an error message?