I've been able to piece together the following formula based on web searches, and I'm close to an answer.

Here is what I want to do:
An end cell has conditional formatting to color the cell red, green, or yellow when R, G, or Y respectively are in any of the preceding cells according to a heierarchy Where G trumps all, Y trumps, R, or blank if nothing. i.e. if all the previous cells in the row contain a Y then the end cell automatically populates a Y. But if any of the Cells contain a G then the last cell takes on a G value. Or if all are R except for 1 Y then the final cell populates as Y.


This works for a single cell N8. When I try to increase to a range to be N8:S8 The final cell in the row goes blank defaulting to my lowest level value.

How do I get this formula to work with a series of cells instead of just a single cell?