I have an issue at work that I would like to figure out using VBA. I'm a very novice programmer but I've taken a couple C++ classes and know css/html decently.

Here is the scenario.

File 1
-This is the main file with column A and Column B.
-Column A has some codes like AAB, FAB, RNT
-Column B is blank for now.

File 2
-Master Reference File which also has 2 columns.
- Includes every single possible code in column A.
-Column B is also filled out. It has classifications for the code like Rental, and Production ect.
-I would like Column B's data to populate Column B in File 1.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask me.

How do I get my File 1 to look through the data in File 2 and classify File 1's column A with data from File 2?

This sounds like it can also be a vlookup sort of thing (kind of novice here too). What would be the best way to proceed? Is there a way to do this without a vba/macro, so I can do it manually then create my macro from there after I get the results I want?