Hi, I am calling on you all for help.
The attached workbook has the following information:
vacation hours used on date
calculation for vacation hours used within the 365 days of hire month and day - not calculated
hire date
years and months of service
total vacation earned based on years of service (Data Sheet)
remaining vacation hours - not calculated
The employee's vacation time earned does not roll over and must be used within 365 days of the hire date month/day not year. The employee earns vacation hours based on their anniversary date. I can't figure out how to do a rolling 365 days based on their hire month and day then to calculate their vacation earned and used within that time. I want to be able to tell the employee how much vacation they have remaining.
example: Employee 1 has 48 hours of vacation earned and the employee's anniversary date is 9/1/2011. The employee starts earning vacation after 1 year. The employee wants to know if they used all vacation from 2012-2013 and how much vacation has been earned from 9/1/2014 (current anniversary date). hopefully that makes sense!
If there is an easier way to input the data for vacation used - date and hours, please let me know! this is a rough spreadsheet.
Thank you for all of your help!
Vacation Tracker 2014 Forum Question.xlsx