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Calculate business days in a month then return a devision of said number

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    Calculate business days in a month then return a devision of said number

    I'm using the following formula: =SUM(1250/(NETWORKDAYS(V1,EOMONTH(V1,0))))
    The reference: V1 = 01/07/2014

    I want this formula to divide 1250 by the number of business days in July 2014. The result is showing "23/02/1900" instead of "54.34782609" (1250/23). What am I doing wrong?

    I could do it in two cells, i.e. one cell with the formula "=NETWORKDAYS(V1,EOMONTH(V1,0))", which would return 23, then have another cell with the formula "=SUM(1250/the cell showing 23)" but I want it to be as minimal as possible and would like it all in one cell.
    Last edited by Smaxx; 09-12-2014 at 01:32 PM.

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