Hi There, could someone help me writing the IF statement that will apply green arrow up image when variance is greater than 0 and red arrow down image to negative variance?
Hi There, could someone help me writing the IF statement that will apply green arrow up image when variance is greater than 0 and red arrow down image to negative variance?
You could use CF. For example, select the cells, choose CF / Icon Sets / More Rules... and then set the icon for > 0 to green arrow, and <0 to a red arrow.
Last edited by Bernie Deitrick; 09-09-2014 at 01:36 PM.
Bernie Deitrick
Excel MVP 2000-2010
Hi Bernie,
The problem is that I want to use the images cause they are much sleeker. Do you know how to do that?
Thank you for the replay!
Insert your two pictures onto the worksheet, and name them UpArrow and DownArrow
Then copy this code, right-click the sheet tab, select "View Code" and paste the code into the window that appears. Then save the workbook as a macro-enabled .xlsm file. Change the "B:B" to the range of cells with the variance formulas.
Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate() Dim myShape As Shape Dim r As Range Dim mySh As Worksheet Application.EnableEvents = False Application.ScreenUpdating = False Set mysht = ActiveSheet On Error Resume Next For Each myShape In mysht.Shapes If myShape.Name Like "*Final" Then myShape.Delete Next myShape For Each r In Range("B:B").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas) If r.Value > 0 Then ActiveSheet.Shapes("UpArrow").Select Selection.Copy r.Select ActiveSheet.Paste Else ActiveSheet.Shapes("DownArrow").Select Selection.Copy r.Select ActiveSheet.Paste End If Selection.Name = r.Address & "Final" Selection.Top = r.Top Selection.Left = r.Left Next r Application.EnableEvents = True Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub
Bernie, it works for UpArrow but not for DownArrow, but probably I am not running this code correctly. And just one more question, how to place the arrows in C column next to variances in B? thanks
It should work for both - can you post your file?
To place the pictures in the next column, use r(1,2) instead of r, like
Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate() Dim myShape As Shape Dim r As Range Dim mySh As Worksheet Application.EnableEvents = False Application.ScreenUpdating = False Set mysht = ActiveSheet On Error Resume Next For Each myShape In mysht.Shapes If myShape.Name Like "*Final" Then myShape.Delete Next myShape For Each r In Range("B:B").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas) If r.Value > 0 Then ActiveSheet.Shapes("UpArrow").Select Selection.Copy r(1, 2).Select ActiveSheet.Paste Else ActiveSheet.Shapes("DownArrow").Select Selection.Copy r(1, 2).Select ActiveSheet.Paste End If Selection.Name = r(1, 2).Address & "Final" Selection.Top = r(1, 2).Top Selection.Left = r(1, 2).Left Next r Application.EnableEvents = True Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub
Conditional Formatting is designed for this, and will be much simpler
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ok, thank you.
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