Well i have created an excel online form .. The users are entering the information in it and it is being saved in excel sheet named as survey1.... Now i want this information to be populated in a master sheet named July 2014 which has many columns including the columns of the survey sheet ...

I am using reference formula to update the columns data like:-

in coulmn E5 in sheet July 2014 i type =survey1!A2 and then copies the formula down below. It works for the information that is already there in survey1 sheet but when the survey1 sheet is updated i.e new information is filled in by the users through the survey form ... the data is not updated in sheet July 2014 instead the formula in the corresponding field where the data was supposed to go is incremented by one at its own.

Like for eg this time the data has to be updated in E6 and the formula written in E6 is =survey1!A3 (i.e with the contents of A3 cell in sheet survey1) but when the user enters data through survey form and the data is filled, in Cell A3 in survey1 sheet ... the formula does not update the Cell E6 in sheet July 2014 with the contents of Cell A3 of Sheet survey1 but the formula is itself incremented as =survey1!A4 ...

How to solve this issue .. any body who can help