That's okay, I've appreciated the help so far.

On the sheet I included in my last post, the 0 hour goal was 420 and the actual came in at 400. The hour 1 goal now has changed to 421. The hour 1 actual is 450. I want the hour 1 goal to not revert back to 420 when you enter in 450 as the actual, but I want the rest of the planned goals to continue calculating out new goals to reach the 10000 total.

Once a goal has changed based on the previous hours input, I don't want it to revert back to something different, but I still need each hour after the last actual to continue calculating to reach the total end goal.

Hopefully that helps to clear things up a bit.

I need to see what the performance needs are in the future hours based on the variability of the actuals, while at the same time being able to judge how well production is matching to ever changing hour by hour goals.