This regular formula, copied down through Row_153, calculates the eligibility status...or the eligible date:
K3: =IF(MAX(--(DATEDIF($E3,TODAY(),"Y")>=25),(DATEDIF($C3,TODAY(),"Y")>={50,55})*(DATEDIF(E3,TODAY(),"y")>={20,10})),"Eligible"
and this formula, copied down through Row_164 calculates the second tier of elibibles
K155: =IF(MAX(--(DATEDIF($E155,TODAY(),"Y")>=30),(DATEDIF($C155,TODAY(),"Y")>={60,65})*(DATEDIF(E155,TODAY(),"y")>={10,5})),"Eligible"
Note: in many instances I calculated different values from what Clabulis had....I attached the file posted by Clabulis for comparison.
For a few of the differences I put an explanation.
Are those formulas something you can work with?