I've been working with this database that counts the number of days from the date assigned to date finished. I am using if isblank formula but i need to exclude the weekends
I've been working with this database that counts the number of days from the date assigned to date finished. I am using if isblank formula but i need to exclude the weekends
Need more info.
Maybe post a SMALL sample file so we can see what your data looks like.
A SMALL sample file will have about 20 rows and 2 or 3 columns worth of data.
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Maybe this function will do it
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I have found the formula = NETWORKDAYS(A1, TODAY()) but haven't tried it yet. thanks for your response!
Also, i need it to stop counting when the work has ended
Maybe something like this...
A1 = start date
B1 = end date (but this cell might be empty)
Thanks tony. This almost solved my problem but it should start counting on the day after the start date
Hi tony, this is the formula ive been working on
I need to exclude weekends
Still the same
You're going to have to show us some examples along with the expected results.
Here's my sample sheet.
1. No weekends included in the counting
2. Stops counting when the report has been completed
Thanks so much!
Can you provide more examples? 10 to 15 examples will help.
Also, manually enter the results you expect in column D. If the formulas are not retuning the results you expect then seeing those incorrect results doesn't help us. Better if you manually enter the results.
Hi Tony,
Thank you for your patience. Attached is the sample sheet. I entered the results manually as instructed.
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