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lookup multiple instances

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  1. #1
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    Excel 207

    lookup multiple instances

    I am using VLOOKUP to return the addresses for my bottom stores to basically take out sorting as well as do a few other things, my problem comes if there are multiple instances of the same #. Here is a small example:

    $10 ROGERS
    $11 HARRISON
    $16 COMMERCE
    $10 CONWAY
    $17 SHERWOOD

    To return the stores I want I am using the following formula =VLOOKUP(SMALL(Sheet2!J:J,ROW(C1)),city,2,FALSE) which is all fine and dandy for the worst store in this case Rogers, but instead of listing Conway as my second worst is lists Rogers again. any ideas?


  2. #2
    Forum Guru AlKey's Avatar
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    Re: lookup multiple instances

    Can you explain why ROGERS store is the worst and not CONWAY?
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  3. #3
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    Re: lookup multiple instances

    I guess I need to show everything that is going on for this to make sense. Attached is my spreadsheet with numbers changed. I want to be able to adjust Minimum sales and max distance to see all my top and bottom stores within a given area. Attached is what I have built so far with a lot of the data removed to manage the size. store info list.zip

  4. #4
    Forum Expert Tony Valko's Avatar
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    Re: lookup multiple instances

    I didn't look at your file (it's way toooooooo big!).

    See if this helps...

    How to generate a bottom N list:

    Microsoft MVP Excel
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