SOLVED - first solution works great, just what I needed. Will learn about the 2nd solution, too.
I've been looking for a formula / solution to this for a while, in between learning other Excel things (pivot tables, anyone?).
I've tried different date formulas, but not getting the results I want. And when I search for templates or explanations, my search results
point me to printed journals for sale, or to general accounting ledger stuff. Do not want!
I want to list 10 years on a page for each date of the year, the attachment starts with January 1, 2014. A simple formula
increases each year cell by one. BUT, I know that's not a good reference for getting accurate weekday names in the cells on the left side.
I figured there would be a DATE formula that I could use in each weekday cell that would return the name of the weekday for the specified
year on the right. But I haven't found it, yet. I've just been upgraded to Excel 2010, but still can't figure it out.
So, I'm asking you fine people out here in Excel Land, please, and thank you in advance for your help, thoughts, support, and for not
snickering too much. Or rolling your eyes, either.Okay, never mind, go ahead, I can't see you anyway.