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Trouble with a complex, multi-conditional % Complete formula

  1. #1
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    Unhappy Trouble with a complex, multi-conditional % Complete formula

    This one is a doozy and I am a bit at a loss. Any help as to a single formula solution that results in a % Complete for each row would be so incredibly helpful!

    Fact 1: For every row, Column G will have values "ISP & OSP - PRC" or "OSP Only - PRC" or "ISP Only - PRC"

    Fact 2: If a row has a value of "ISP & OSP - PRC" in Column G, relevant columns that may have project milestone dates are: J, M, V, Y, AB, AE, AH, AK, AN, AQ, & AT

    Fact 3: If a row has a value of "OSP Only - PRC" in Column G, relevant columns that may have project milestone dates are: J, M, Y, AE, AK, & AT

    Fact 4: If a row has a value of "ISP Only - PRC" in Column G, relevant columns that may have project milestone dates are: J, M, V, AB, AH, AK, AN, AQ, & AT

    Based on whichever of the three possible project type values that appears in Column G, I need a nested "OR" formula or something to that effect that will: count however many non-blank values appear in the appropriate columns for that project type (see Facts 2 through 4 above), and divide that by the total # of possible columns for that project type to get a % Project Complete figure.

  2. #2
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    Re: Trouble with a complex, multi-conditional % Complete formula

    attach an example pls.

  3. #3
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: Trouble with a complex, multi-conditional % Complete formula

    THis is a shot in the dark...
    =if(G2="ISP & OSP - PRC",counta(J2,M2,V2,Y2,AB2,AE2,AH2,AK2,AN2,AQ2,AT2)/11,if(G2="OSP Only",counta(J2,M2,Y2,AE2,AK2,AT2)/6,counta(J2,M2,V2,AB2,AH2,AK2,AN2,AQ2,AT2)/9))

    (could probably shorten the list by combining the common items, but it wont make that much difference)
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  4. #4
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    Re: Trouble with a complex, multi-conditional % Complete formula

    Awesome. I modified it ever so slightly but COUNTA was the right solution to use within a nested IF formula. Thank you so much.

    =IF(LEFT($F6,5)="isp &",COUNTA($J6,$M6,$V6,$Y6,$AB6,$AE6,$AH6,$AK6,$AN6,$AQ6,$AT6)/11,IF(LEFT($F6,5)="isp o",COUNTA($J6,$M6,$V6,$AB6,$AH6,$AK6,$AN6,$AQ6,$AT6)/9,COUNTA($J6,$M6,$Y6,$AE6,$AK6,$AT6)/6))

  5. #5
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: Trouble with a complex, multi-conditional % Complete formula

    Glad I was able to help you, and thanks for the feedback

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