Hi everyone,

I need to send out an order form (spreadsheet) to 100's of people that need to complete the form and email back to me as an attachment. If I was completing the order form myself I would use the "email" icon that I have pinned to my Quick Access Toolbar (QAT). However, most of the recipients don't even know the Toolbar exists.

Is there a way I can insert an icon / hyperlink in the spreadsheet that does the same thing as the QAT icon. I can insert text to say "click here to email your order" (or similar).

I need to keep it in an excel format and an icon is so much better that asking them to save to their hard-drive and attach to an email, etc.

Any ideas ??? The QAT icon is exactly what is needed but I need to provide a spreadsheet that works for folk who haven't got the icon.

