I have been digging through a large number of conditional formatting threads and have yet to find this specific instance. I have a column who’s content is determined via about 6 nested if statements from data on that row. That cell is then conditionally formatted to a certain color based on the text that is ultimately printed from the nested ifs (simply an extra visual legend for the text). All of this contributing info and about 1000 lines items make a very large and difficult to print page. What I am trying to do is a make a summary sheet that simply takes the index number of these 1000 rows and copies or links the conditional formatting of the mentioned cell onto this number on another sheet. I have already linked this status cell and put it adjacent to the index number which works well in that with two columns I can show the index and status but if I could combine the color of the status cell onto the index cell, it would be even better. I am pretty sure another conditional format for this summary sheet would not be possible or be extremely complex since the contents of the index cell I am conditionally formatting have no bearing on the conditions for the format. Was hoping there is some VBA magic that could simply mimic the conditional formatting from one cell and put it on another.

A little complex and probably not the best description but I could upload a subset of the file if anyone is willing to dig into this.
