I'm cleaning up poorly structured company information - company name, address etc... and I've been getting good results with SEARCH combined with LEFT, RIGHT or MID etc... to identify tokens and 'bring forward' only what I want to keep. I use IFERROR and the previous cell reference to ignore cases where my search isn't found. As I move through the columns, the data gets cleaner, then I put the different elements back together.
Now I'm getting into performance issues - I have many records and with upwards of 50 or 60 reference columns and growing (each building on the results of the previous) I'm really grinding to a halt.
Here is the formula I'm using for the example provided, with each reference token as the header of a column.
Is it possible to use a reference list on another sheet and maybe INDEX+MATCH?? to minimize the number of columns I'm referencing?
excel example.png