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Getting value of specific customer in a 2 column pivot table

  1. #1
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    Getting value of specific customer in a 2 column pivot table

    Dear Folks,

    I have a issue at work and hope you guys can help me.

    My problem:

    I have a pivot table with customers and sales in a dynamic range, because data changes from day-to-day. I need to update the excel sheet every day, therefore also sales change every day. There is one customer from which I need to extract the sales to another place (i.e. A3). I need the sales (that change every day) from a specific customer.
    How can I do that?


    Customers Sales

    A 10
    B 20
    C 30
    D 40

    I want to have the value in the sales column from a specific customer with a function, because data changes. Manually it would take a lot of time which I don't have.

    Thank you.

    All the best,


  2. #2
    Forum Expert etaf's Avatar
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    Re: Getting value of specific customer in a 2 column pivot table

    can you use a SUMIF() for that customer name ?
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