I am trying to make an index match that spans an array and has 3 criteria.
I have survey data that I need to score. I have created a key that has the (1) column for question number, (2) column for "score" or "scale" and, (3) header that has the coded value for each option (essentially, the number I see when I export the raw data). This spans an array (as each question has multiple options).
Under the section titled "Scored Data", I have highlighted a space where I would like the scored numbers to populate, based on the corresponding numbers in the raw data section. I would like to match (1) Question (2) "Score" (3) Raw Data Number. I know this is possible, but I keep getting an Error (even when entering as array)!
=INDEX(Analysis!$J$14:$R$19,MATCH($A6&"Score"&B6,$H$14:$H$19&$I$14:$I$19&$J$13:$R$13,0)) = #N/A Error
See file: Index Match 3 Criteria Error.xlsx
Ideally, I would like to keep the addition of rows/columns to a minimum, since the data is already meaty. This is why I am hoping to concatenate inside the formula, as opposed to creating new cells.
Please let me know if you can help!