Probably the most confusing thread name ever, I know, but I need help with a formula which is blowing my mind and I'm starting to doubt whether it's even possible.

Here's my scenario - I have a list of policy numbers in column A, each with a corresponding premium amount in column B.

On a separate tab (which I'll call tab 2), I have a list of policy numbers in column A and each policy number has a monthly payment amount in columns B to M (headed January to December). Unfortunately, the policy list is far more extensive in the tab 2 than it is in tab 1, so the two tabs don't contain the same list of numbers in column A.

What I need to do is, using the policy number in column A of the tab 1, look up whether the premium amount in column B of the tab 1 appears in columns B to M of the row containing the corresponding policy number in the tab 2. If it does appear at all in the corresponding 12 columns of tab 2, I need to return a value of "Yes" in column C of tab 1, otherwise I need it to have a value of "No".

Just writing that out gave me a headache and I've tried a few things, with absolutely no success. It's the lookup aspect that's beating me, so I'm not sure if it's possible, but if anyone could give me any pointers, I would be hugely grateful.
