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IRR in 'reverse'

  1. #1
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    IRR in 'reverse'

    A1 1,000,000
    A2 -1,100,000

    B1 1 Jan 2014
    B2 30 June 2014

    To calculate the IRR of this, I use =XIRR(A1:A2,B1:B2) and obtain the answer of 21.32%

    Let's now introduce another cell

    C1 15%

    What I would like to do, please anyone, is ask "what would cell A2 need to be in order the make the XIRR equation 'correct' for cell C1.
    I have, reasonably successfully, done this using a Goal Seek.

    Buit what I would vastly prefer, if there is such a thing, is a formula I can actually use extensively throughout a spreadsheet.

    Essentially I would want to put the formula in cell A2. So cell A2 would become the 'answer' to: "If we started off with value (A1) and then had an IRR of (C1) across the dates (B1:B2), what would value (A2) be?".

    Appreciate any help that anyone can provide,


  2. #2
    Valued Forum Contributor Hawkeye16's Avatar
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    Re: IRR in 'reverse'

    I actually made an example for someone yesterday for a question like this. I added an example for non yearly payments as you have. I am not positive of the day count convention that Excel uses but this is what the numbers should be regardless. You can check it by changing the new IRR to match the old IRR.

    By definition, the IRR is just the name for the interest rate that makes the PV of all payments = 0.
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  3. #3
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    Re: IRR in 'reverse'

    Formula in A2 is,(D1 represents the rate ,in this example 12.32%)
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  4. #4
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    Re: IRR in 'reverse'

    Quote Originally Posted by Catflappo View Post
    A1 1,000,000
    A2 -1,100,000

    B1 1 Jan 2014
    B2 30 June 2014

    To calculate the IRR of this, I use =XIRR(A1:A2,B1:B2) and obtain the answer of 21.32%
    If you have just two cash flows, you do not need to use XIRR. Ostensibly, the RATE function should suffice, to wit:


    In this case, that works. But RATE sometimes fails (returns #NUM) especially when calculating a daily rate, as we are doing here. An reliable alternative is:


    Note: In all of these cases, the result is an annual compounded rate based on compounding daily. In some regions, notably the US, that might not be the same as the annual interest rate.

    Quote Originally Posted by Catflappo View Post
    Let's now introduce another cell
    C1 15%

    What I would like to do, please anyone, is ask "what would cell A2 need to be in order the make the XIRR equation 'correct' for cell C1.

    Again, that assumes that C1 is an annual compounded rate, which is not always the same as an annual interest rate.

    Note: You might need to change the format of the cell with that formula. Sometimes, Excel insists on setting the format to Currency.[/QUOTE]
    Last edited by joeu2004; 07-24-2014 at 05:00 AM.

  5. #5
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    Re: IRR in 'reverse'

    Sorry - I should have clarified.... I DO have occasions when there are more than one 'pair' of cashflows.

    In other words I could have something like:


    (all for different dates).

    Let's ignore dates, and just say for arguments sake the IRR of the above is 15%.

    I am looking for a formula, if one exists, which says "what would the -1,250,000 need to be to 'make' the IRR equate to (say) 20%" ?

  6. #6
    Forum Expert shg's Avatar
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    Re: IRR in 'reverse'

    $ 1,000,000
    B4: =IRR(A4:A7)
    $ 100,000
    $ (30,000)
    $ (1,836,000)
    A7: =-NPV(B1, A4:A6) * (1+B1) ^ (ROWS(A4:A6)+1)
    Entia non sunt multiplicanda sine necessitate

  7. #7
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    Re: IRR in 'reverse'

    Quote Originally Posted by Catflappo View Post
    Sorry - I should have clarified.... I DO have occasions when there are more than one 'pair' of cashflows. In other words I could have something like:
    (all for different dates).

    Let's ignore dates, and just say for arguments sake the IRR of the above is 15%.
    We cannot arbitrarily remove dates or cash flow frequency. It begs the question of how to interpret the given IRR.

    The IRR is timing-sensitive by definition. If you remove cash flow timing altogether, we must assume the cash flows are regularly spaced, and the given IRR is a periodic rate; i.e. a discount rate applied to each cash flow period.

    But in that case, the periodic IRR of the above cash flows is not 15%. Instead, it is about 5.39%; specifically, it is =IRR(A1:A4).

    Quote Originally Posted by Catflappo View Post
    I am looking for a formula, if one exists, which says "what would the -1,250,000 need to be to 'make' the IRR equate to (say) 20%" ?
    An easier way to state the problem is: what is the "future value" (FV) or last cash flow, given the earlier cash flows and an IRR of 20%.

    It is actually easier to calculate with dates.

    So let's assume the corresponding dates are in B1:B4: 31 Dec 1013, 30 Jun 2014, 31 Dec 2014, and 30 Jun 2015.

    The (X)IRR is the rate that causes Sigma(CF[i]/(1+irr)^((d[i]-d0)/365), i=0,...,n-1) to be zero for n cash flows labeled CF[0], CF[1], up to CF[n-1], and d0 is the date corresponding to CF[0]. See the XIRR help page.

    After some algebraically manipulation, you want CF[n-1] such that:
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    In Excel, assuming R1 contains the given IRR, which we assume is an annual compounded rate:
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    As a double-check, with that formula in A4, note that =XIRR(A1:A4,B1:B4) returns about 20% (19.9999994039536%).

    If the given IRR is positive, the Excel formula can be simplified to:
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    Due to a defect (IMHO), XNPV does not work when the IRR is negative. So I prefer to use the SUMPRODUCT formula.
    Last edited by joeu2004; 07-24-2014 at 08:43 PM. Reason: cosmetic

  8. #8
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    Re: IRR in 'reverse'

    Thanks for your reply, and your suggested formula. It doesn't come up with the 'right' answer yet - I suspect because there is no reference to dates in it, which of course will be critical in coming up wwith the correct answer.

    To save any confusion, I am uploading an example.

    If you are able to populate cell J16 with the 'right formula' I'd be a very happy man!

    Thanks for your help,


    (Sorry - I see there is another reply posted after I wrote this - but hopefully that means there is more than one person able to help with my cell J16!). Thanks!
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    Last edited by Catflappo; 07-24-2014 at 08:29 PM.

  9. #9
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    Re: IRR in 'reverse'

    Quote Originally Posted by Catflappo View Post
    To save any confusion, I am uploading an example. If you are able to populate cell J16 with the 'right formula' I'd be a very happy man!
    Applying the principles of my previous response (which you had not seen yet), put the following formula into J16:


    It returns about -984,190 (-984190.101287004).

    As double-check, put the following formula into K17:


    It returns about 3.50% (3.49999994039535%), the target IRR in K16

  10. #10
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    Re: IRR in 'reverse'

    That sir, is magic!

    Thank you very much,


  11. #11
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    Re: IRR in 'reverse'

    Can you do this same IRR in reverse but I need to know how to calculate the first value B13.

    To be clear, I have the cash flows of future payments and dates, and then I need to put in the target XIRR and have it give me the initial NPV of those future cash flows. The future cash flows have to have dates and different amounts.

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    Re: IRR in 'reverse'

    Quote Originally Posted by seanpeace View Post
    Can you do this same IRR in reverse but I need to know how to calculate the first value B13.

    To be clear, I have the cash flows of future payments and dates, and then I need to put in the target XIRR and have it give me the initial NPV of those future cash flows. The future cash flows have to have dates and different amounts.
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