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Pull Values from List Exluding Matching Values in Second List

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sskgintl Pull Values from List... 07-15-2014, 09:45 PM
azumi Re: Pull Values from List... 07-15-2014, 09:52 PM
sskgintl Re: Pull Values from List... 07-16-2014, 09:29 PM
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    Pull Values from List Exluding Matching Values in Second List

    The basic question is: Is it possible to pull a list of values out of an array based on a couple of criteria, but exclude them if they exist with certain criteria in a second array?

    To be more concrete: I have a spreadsheet tracking a fundraising campaign. Tab 1 is "All Donations" and lists every donation received. Tab 2 is "Pledges" and lists donations that have been promised, but not yet made. I am creating a third tab to pull a summary of the month's activity a committee.

    I can successfully pull a list of all of the donations from the past month using this formula:

    =INDEX('All Donations'!D:D,SMALL(IF('All Donations'!$C:$C>=(EOMONTH($B$3,-1)+1),IF('All Donations'!$C:$C<=$B$3,ROW('All Donations'!$A:$A))),ROWS($A$31:A31)))

    I would like to exclude any donations which show on the Pledges tab as having been applied toward a pledge. This means checking 3 criteria on the Pledges tab - the name (column A), the date (J) and amount (K). If all 3 of these match the data on the All Donations tab, the record should not show on the list.

    My best shot at it was adding the red if functions:

    =INDEX('All Donations'!D:D,SMALL(IF('All Donations'!$C:$C>=(EOMONTH($B$3,-1)+1),IF('All Donations'!$C:$C<=$B$3,IF('All Donations'!$C:$C<>Pledges!J:J,IF('All Donations'!D:D<>Pledges!A:A,IF('All Donations'!E:E<>Pledges!K:K,ROW('All Donations'!$A:$A)))))),ROWS($A$33:A33)))

    Needless to say, it didn't work. So, I'm appealing to anyone brilliant (or at least smarter than me) out there.
    Last edited by sskgintl; 07-15-2014 at 09:46 PM. Reason: typo

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