try below array formula in B12 of sheet Overview
copy paste below in B12 then hold control shift together and then hit enter.
=IFERROR(INDEX('Week 28'!B$12:B$68,SMALL(IF(('Week 28'!$B$12:$B$68=Overview!$D$3)*('Week 28'!$E$12:$E$68=Overview!$D$4)*('Week 28'!$K$12:$K$68=Overview!$D$2),ROW('Week 28'!$B$12:$B$68)-MIN(ROW('Week 28'!$B$12:$B$68))+1),ROWS($A$11:A11))),"")
drag to right and drag down
apply the proper formatting to cells
with this you can apply three criteria
project priority and owner
change the three and you will get the things