Hi Team,

i am currently using the below formula and is trying to add a condition to this.


The condition i am trying to add is

if the result of the above formula is less than the value in cell BK2, then look if the number in B2 is availaible in sheet2 (another sheet) coloumn B.

If the number in B2 is available in sheet2 coloumn B,then the result should be BK2.
If the number in B2 is not available in sheet2 coloumn B,then the result should be above mentioned formula which is =IF(NETWORKDAYS(MAX(BI2,DATE(2014,6,1)),MIN(BJ2,DATE(2014,6,30)))<0,0,NETWORKDAYS(MAX(BI2,DATE(2014,6,1)),MIN(BJ2,DATE(2014,6,30))))

Please help