To All Excel MVP's i need your help.
Can anyone help me with a formula to extract numbers (account number) from a string of text that contains alphanumeric. the account number starts with 249,250,251 and TLC. Length for the 249,250 and 251 is 9; And for the TLC is 11. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you

Example. Assuming data is located in A1.

SERVICE REF: RELATED REF: ID: INS BK:XXXXXXX SER ID:PCRM SND BK: ID: 5ERANUA00000VBHJK303 249968059 91361 ID:001235737204 : ID: TLC29676085 BVDFGR 20140703-00004704 VAL D D ORIG 250360150 GTHYKKK BNNNG 566840000078955* CORRECT BK 45366363 PCRM DIGGGI SERVICE 251253955 BKSSSDR 56289