I'm trying to conditionally format a cell based as follows;
In C7 there is a drop down list with options "High Value High Risk" or "High Value Low Risk"
In F7 the user enters a number from 1 to 5 which relates to their level of certification
High Value High Risk needs to be level 4 or above - when the user types 4 or 5, F7 needs to highlight green. Anything less than 4, the cell needs to go red.
High Value Low Risk needs to be a minimum of 3 - when the user types 3 or above, F7 needs to highlight green. Anything less than 3 needs to go red.
I've tried various ways of doing it, most recently as below...
=AND($C7="High Risk High Value",F7>3)
Is this not working because the cell I'm trying to format is one of the conditions?? After two hours of intensely googling I am hoping someone can help me before I go completely insane.