Hello Excel Experts,
I have attached a sample sheets (with the actual data), and hopefully, I'm able to explain clearly enough. If not, I hope the attached file could explain better in what I wanted to accomplish.
I was helped with nflsales with this in getting the top 5 customer dynamically in each month, through a helper column. In my previous thread, the sample data is a coincidence that there's no "duplicates of numbers" in order to "rank" the top 5 customer.
In the attached under 'pivot' sheets, noticed that the new data that I've provided, taking the month of March as an example, through eye-balling, the top 5 customers are 'Customer A', 'B', 'C', 'S' and 'X' (highlighted in dark blue), ignoring #N/A. However, with the initial formula that nflsales had helped me with, because my initial data doesn't includes any duplicates of "sales", I have the Top 5 Customers as 'Customer A', 'B', 'C', 'S' & 'S', yes, two (2) 'S's.
Is it possible to have the helper column take 'Customer X' instead (Final desired result is on sheet 'Desired Result (new data)')?
PS: I have the formulas given to me by nflsales in the attached file on sheet 'Desired Result (new data)', column A and B.