HI im new to excel and I am trying to help out all the lads at work monitor their efficiency so I have made a simple table for them to plot the amount of hours they have worked and the amount of hours they have sold.
After they sell 7 hours of work they receive bonus, what I need to do is make an auto calculate formula that will tell you at the end of the week how much you have made from each day.
the structure for bonus is @ 7hrs = £7 , @8hrs = £14 , @9hrs = £24 , @ 10hrs = 34 and so on it will continue going up buy £10 for each hour after the 9th hour.
what I want to do is use the hours sold to then show the amount of bonus for the day and then add it all up for the week.
I have made a table that they can fill the hours they work and the hours sold in, is there a way it can look at the hours sold from that table and then out put the bonus under in another cell.. I need it for each day of the month.
any help would be wonderful