I have a formula (=IF(I28=I29,0,-V29) in column AE. I also have the formula (=SUMIF(H28:H28,"I - Shop Order Component Issue",T28) in column AF. I have the formula (=-(AF28-AE28)) in column AM.
Now, column "I" in the formula in column AE is a part # which results in the same # in column AE. I only need the value in AE to show up once for the multiple of rows for that same part #, hence my formula. Now in column AF, the values for the same part # are different ( hence why I cannot use the same formula as in AE).
Now, I have the formula in column AM to essentially calculate the difference between all rows with the same part #. This formula (=-(AF28-AE28)) only works when the sum in range AF28:AF33 is more than the value in column AE of the same part #. When the sum in range AF28:AF33 is less than the value in column AE, it brings out a negative value in column AM( the value is the correct value, I just cannot have it negative).
I have tried a multitude of things ranging from using ABS(), IF(), OR(),AND(),SUMIF(), along with other formulas. I just can't seem to figure out how to work the formula to read a positive sum in column AM.. Please help!!