Hello Everyone,
I am trying to break ties in the Rank function.
Example worksheet attached.
I have an eight digit number (a digit can show up more than once) and determine the rank of the sum of each number. I had the ties broken by whatever digit showed up first.
In the following example, June 13th row showed 6 digits tied for second place and the tie was broken by the order in which the digit show up in the range.
On the June 14th row it showed digit 4 and 5 tied with 3 occurrence each (running total for the two days). But digit 4 came in twice that day, and reach a total 3 first before digit 5, but Rank2 shows that digit 5 was ranked first, which should of been digit 4.
Looking for any help or suggestions trying to get a formula to work.
Hope I explained the problem correctly, difficult to get the right words out.
Thanks for any help,