Hi guys, thanks so much for the starting tips.
Unfortunately, I've taken both your advice and codes and somehow I still cannot get it to work.
Been at it for about 2 hours and I'm getting increasingly frustrated (and Googling didn't really provide more help than you guys already gave me). Haha.
Perhaps I'll provide an even clearer picture of what I want to achieve (Picture Below):
Excel File:
========== first post ===========
Hi guys,
I'm a total excel noob. Have something I'm trying to achieve illustrated below:
Attachment 326483
The cells are intended to be either blank, or will be populated with dates. Status will change according to the different combinations of whether either cell is filled with content (dates), or both cells are filled, or neither cells are filled; giving 4 statuses: Nothing/AllFilled/AFilled/XFilled.
I tried a combination of IF, AND, ISTEXT, ISBLANK functions, but have been having trouble with getting the order of the logic written to work. And i also have trouble with the commas and parentheses.
Something i tried and didn't work: =IF(AND(ISBLANK(A2),ISBLANK(B2)),"In-Progress",(if(and(istext(A2),isblank(b2),"Process Complete"))"")...
It's kinda half done, but it just can't figure out my way round it to get the desired effect.
I'm hoping some geniuses here will enlighten me.
Thanks so much!