Hello Friends
Please find the attached file.
Date is in text format, but i want to calculate the average for the given month in yellow cells.
Thanks in advance
Hello Friends
Please find the attached file.
Date is in text format, but i want to calculate the average for the given month in yellow cells.
Thanks in advance
Hello Friends
Please find the attached file.
In that file the day in text format and values are plotted, i want to calculate the day average by formula.
thanks in advance.
Please see the attached file.
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In E1 Cell
Drag it down...
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I have updated the formula in the attached file.
Or if you prefer an array
Rule 1: Never merge cells
Rule 2: See rule 1
"Tomorrow I'm going to be famous. All I need is a tennis racket and a hat".
hi thilag. if your computer date settings is DMY, then it would be easier. assuming you don't wish to convert the text & simply use formulas, sat would be:
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this will of course fail in computers with date settings as m/d/y. then you would have to use the LEFT, MID & RIGHT like you did.
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Hello cbatrody, Hello Fotis1991, Hello Sixth Sense, Hello Sweep
Thanks to you for your immediate reply.
hello cbatrody
You used helper cells.
hello Fotis1991
I tried tour formula as Non Array and array formula.
It shows #VALUE! in both cases
hello Sixth Sense
your formula shows 90 (for 40 Feb-14), 140 (For 100 Mar-14) and #DIV/0! (for 145 Apr-14)
hello sweep
Your formula works very fine.
4 people in 2 diferent(your owns thread) try to help you!!
No respect to their effords and their time, posting duplicate threads(and not even a feed back untill now)!
Speaking seriously i tell you that next time that you'll do this, you'll be a banned user!!
I'll merge the 2 threads now!
try this formula
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And my formula works ok.....
Without the helper column.
Hello Fortis1991
I really surprised about your merging of the 2 threads.
My two treads are entirely different
1) is calculating average for the given months from the dates (in text Format) and their values.
2) is calculating average for the all the days (Sunday to Saturday) from the dates (in text Format) and their values.
Given Month & all days (Sunday to Saturday) are different then obviously I have to post 2 threads according to forum rules.
And I did it even it is little bit difficult to post 2 post instead making it in a single post.
Hello Friends
Please refer the attached file.
If we put the date in Column A in Text Format (Any time adding at bottom) then the values for the given days should be updated in the Cells G1 to G7 (Corrsponding days are given in F1 to F7.
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