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Aggregation of data using variable criteria and ranges

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    Aggregation of data using variable criteria and ranges

    Hi everyone,

    I have a little challenge that is above my capabilities and currently have no means to solve it.

    I need to aggregate two columns of data in order to create later on at a next step something resembling a xy plot diagram where every point will represent an energy saving measure and where the two axes will be the cost of the measure and the energy saved by it.

    Unfortunately the data I am given have 1500 rows.

    They need to be grouped in no more than 20 categories.

    The criterion for grouping them is the cost. So fro example, all measures that cost 1 to 3$ will be grouped together, their energy saving potential summed and the mean cost estimated. you may suggest another way as well

    All the categories should not be equally sized. There is a bigger interest in having clarity in negative cost measures and cheap measures, rather than the most expensive ones found at the end of the spreadsheet.. If however this is impossible, I could just omit the expensive measures altogether from the analysis.

    It should look something like a MAC curve, where the cheapest options, especially the negative cost ones, are easy to focus on. There will be quite a big chunk of potential measures that will be very expensive and will take up the right end of the plot, but this can be grouped coarsely as no on is interested in those.

    Attached is the spreadsheet with the data

    I have used sumif successfully for the first few rows but it is not enough for the level of automation needed.

    Thank you for any help you may be able to provide!
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