Thank you for your efforts. I am sorry if I didn't attach a spreadsheet to work with. Yes I can see the logic there, but I was somewhat fried mentally when I put the post out there. I thought it would be simple enough to create a formula for what I'm talking about. I'll send the spreadsheet that this was based on with some changes (sets of 2 and 4 records) to give you a better idea as to what I am going to have to run the formula against.
1) When I copy pasted this into I2, it broke up into three lines. Was I only supposed to use what went into I2 before it broke up? Where or what would I use after the I2?
2) What do you mean by the set in S1:T5? My dataset never went that far over or down. And not all of the sets that I have are 5 records/2 fields long. I should mention that ultimately this script will be running against a database of several thousand records. The majority of them are 2 records, a good number are 3. There are SOME that are >4 records.
So a related question would be is how will this work for something that is two or three records long?
3) After I pasted the whole formula into I2, I also tried the part about holding CTRL and SHIFT down while hitting ENTER but nothing happened. Does this tie into question 1?
It would help if you could simplify things--do more step by step-- because it is somewhat overwhelming.
I was thinking before about whether or not there is a function in Excel that works like the functionality in Find and Replace, where there is a way of finding characters but also being flexible/dynamic enough to recognize other strings of character as it goes through the set.