I need to come up with a formula to distract data for Financial quarters taking account different criteria.
Example below:
HR 2014Q1AC Govt Fees etc 1 000
HR 2014Q1AC Lease & Power 500
HR 2014Q2AC Govt Fees etc 2 000
HR 2014Q2AC Lease & Power 4 500
NL 2014Q1AC Govt Fees etc 2 000
NL 2014Q1AC Lease & Power 1 000
NL 2014Q2AC Govt Fees etc 4 000
NL 2014Q2AC Lease & Power 5 000
I need to subtract Q2-Q1;Q3-Q2 for a specific country (HR;NL;etc..), for a specific item (Govt Fees;Lease&Powers;etc..)
Data is for 10 countries, 20 items and 3 years.
Main problem for me is to come up with formula, which would find previous quarter. (Automatically know to subtract Q1 from Q2, taking account also a year and AC(Actuals) or BU(Budgeted)) and then also take in to account remaining criteria..
This is just a begging, since there are few more other things, which should be taken in to account in the formula. But about that later.
I would appreciate any help I can get.