Got to be honest, been around the houses. No luck. Its frying my brain, so decided to ask online - maybe you smart people can help
I am trying to setup a reminder system for myself.
Basically, I have a spreadsheet where the coloumns are: Name, Date , Invoice Received etc....
I am trying to make a conditon whereby If i enter the name "joe bloggs" into Coloumn A, then that cell will become a hyperlink to an outlook email that has been stored on my HDD.
For example:
=IF(A:A, "Joe Bloggs", HYPERLINK(C:\USERS\....etc), "Click Here", "")
So I am trying to say if the value of a cell in this column is "joe bloggs" - Become a hyperlink that says "click here" - which will then take me to the relevant email regarding "joe bloggs".
If it isnt "joe bloggs" then do nothing - show the intended cell value ... i.e. "James patterson"
Hope you can help!