Hey everyone, I'm new here.
I'm building a very complicated expense tracking sheet, where the sheet of transactions has the following fields:
Date, Type (Income/Expense), Form (Cash/Bank), Category (salary, food, expense reimbursement, credit card, etc...), and amount.
Another sheet, I have built a table to summarize it for me as follows:
Columns are Month/Year, and rows are Income, Expense, and Net
For income, I want the formula to first pick items which are Income, and then I need it to include all types of income except things like expense reimbursements and transactions that are just moving cash from one pocket to the other (e.g. cash to bank). On top of that, I want it to check for the month and year, but not the day.
What I ended up with was an insane and convoluted formula:
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Basically, this thing just adds up all the income items, and subtracts from them the items I don't want. Is there a simpler way to do this?!
I know there are ways to combine SUMIF and SUMPRODUCT, but I just can't wrap my head around it. Any help would be appreciated.