Hi all,

Thanks in advance for reading this.
I work in a school and am trying to set up a new database for a new spelling system. There are a lot of stages and to keep track of where each individual is, I've put a spreadsheet with checkboxes under each stage for each child.

I was wondering if there is a way to display where each child is without having to go look.

For example I have

stge1 stge2 stge3 stage4
adam (tick) (tick) (blank) (blank)
bob (tick) (tick) (tick) (blank)
harry (tick) (blank) (blank) (blank)

Is there a way of writing a formula so next to the child's name, the name of the first stage they have not completed appears (aka the first unticked checkbox), so other teachers dont have to look all over the sheet for each child's level. There are 125 levels and it would take far too long!
Or is this a problem because the boxes values are "false"?