Dear Friends and Experts,
This is regarding an excel query kindly help me out.
Please find attached herewith an excel sheet containing tax computation sheet. In this regard observe the drop down button located at column A1 and can find the list of employee’s starting from VT-001. Here, I would like to make a separate sheet individually who ever there in the list in a single workbook likewise inserting a sheet. Hence, guide me how can we do the same in easier way rather than selecting a respective employee.
Actually, the sheet consists of plus 300 associates; to make it smaller deleted the number of the same in dropdown list. As you are aware that to save individually for 300 associates will take considerable time in the same work book and also leads to errors. Therefore, keeping view of the same, please guide me if is there any easier way to figure out our issue as mentioned above.
Your kind support for the same is really helps a lot to save in good amount of time and can prepared error free data for certain statutory returns and also a permanent answer for these kinds of situations.
Awaiting your kind response.
Thanks in advance,