Hello Everybody,
I need some help with a formula that I'm trying to get into my excel file. I have a database with the buy and sell information of investors over 80 periods. I try to determine if they’re behavior (buy or sell) is influenced by the behavior (buy or sell) of other investors in the period before. I have found a formula that does this, but haven’t succeeded in getting it working in excel. The formula is:
∑(K) [∑(N(k,t) ∑N(k,t-1) ((D(n,k,t)-A(t))*(D(m,k,t-1)-A(t-1)))/N(k,t)*N(k,t-1)]
I added the colors to make the formula clearer. ∑(K) is the sigma for all the stocks traded in period t. N(k,t) represents the number of investors that trade stock k in period t and N(k,t-1) represents the number of investors that traded stock k in period t-1. Furthermore, D(n,k,t) is a dummy variable that will equal one (zero) if investor n is a buyer (seller) of security k in period t or t-1 correspondingly. The last dummy variable D(m,k,t-1) equals one (zero) if fund m (m≠n) is a buyer (seller) of stock k in quarter t-1.
In my database, I have a column with the period, a column with the stock number, a column with the investor number, a column with if they are a buyer or a seller in that period ( If the investors is a buyer the cell in this column will display a 1, and if the investor was a seller it will have the value of 0. So the dummy variables are accounted for!) , a column with the value of A in that period, and a column with the number of investors that invested in the stock in that period N(k,t).
So, First I have to calculate for a stock in period t: [∑(N(k,t) ∑N(k,t-1) ((D(n,k,t)-A(t))*(D(m,k,t-1)-A(t-1)))/N(k,t)*N(k,t-1)]
Second, It has to be done for all stocks K in that period: ∑(K)
To give an example of the first part of the formula: There are 5 investors that trade stock k in period t, and 7 investors that trade stock k in period t-1. For every of the 5 investors in period t the behavior (buy or sell) is compared to the behavior (buy or sell) of all 7 investors in period t-1. So for the first investor in period t, the behavior is compared to the behavior of investor 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 of period t-1. This will lead to one value. For the second investor in period t, the behavior is compared to the behavior of investor 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 of period t-1, this will also lead to one value. And so on for all 5 investors in stock k in period t. Then the values of these 5 different investors in stock k in period t is summed to get to correct value of the first part of the formula.
Second part of the formula: This has to be done for all stocks in that period, and summed. (this is the ∑(K) part)
My problem is to get the multiple sigma’s working: I have got all the values incorporated in my datasheet. Now the formula needs to recognize:
- that it will compare the investment behavior of every investor that trades stock k in period t with all the investment behavior of every investor that trades in stock k in period t-1. Incorporate this into one value.
- Sum these individual values of all investors that traded in stock k in period t. So you will get one value for every stock traded in period t.
- Then sum these values for every stock traded in period t.
I hope someone can help me,
Thanks in advance!