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Multiple Sigma's working correctly in one formula

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Ernst88 Multiple Sigma's working... 05-13-2014, 11:07 AM
shg Re: Multiple Sigma's working... 05-13-2014, 11:59 AM
Ernst88 Re: Multiple Sigma's working... 05-15-2014, 11:05 AM
shg Re: Multiple Sigma's working... 05-15-2014, 11:51 AM
MrShorty Re: Multiple Sigma's working... 05-15-2014, 01:24 PM
  1. #1
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    Multiple Sigma's working correctly in one formula

    Hello Everybody,

    I need some help with a formula that I'm trying to get into my excel file. I have a database with the buy and sell information of investors over 80 periods. I try to determine if they’re behavior (buy or sell) is influenced by the behavior (buy or sell) of other investors in the period before. I have found a formula that does this, but haven’t succeeded in getting it working in excel. The formula is:

    ∑(K) [∑(N(k,t) ∑N(k,t-1) ((D(n,k,t)-A(t))*(D(m,k,t-1)-A(t-1)))/N(k,t)*N(k,t-1)]

    I added the colors to make the formula clearer. ∑(K) is the sigma for all the stocks traded in period t. N(k,t) represents the number of investors that trade stock k in period t and N(k,t-1) represents the number of investors that traded stock k in period t-1. Furthermore, D(n,k,t) is a dummy variable that will equal one (zero) if investor n is a buyer (seller) of security k in period t or t-1 correspondingly. The last dummy variable D(m,k,t-1) equals one (zero) if fund m (m≠n) is a buyer (seller) of stock k in quarter t-1.
    In my database, I have a column with the period, a column with the stock number, a column with the investor number, a column with if they are a buyer or a seller in that period ( If the investors is a buyer the cell in this column will display a 1, and if the investor was a seller it will have the value of 0. So the dummy variables are accounted for!) , a column with the value of A in that period, and a column with the number of investors that invested in the stock in that period N(k,t).

    So, First I have to calculate for a stock in period t: [∑(N(k,t) ∑N(k,t-1) ((D(n,k,t)-A(t))*(D(m,k,t-1)-A(t-1)))/N(k,t)*N(k,t-1)]

    Second, It has to be done for all stocks K in that period: ∑(K)

    To give an example of the first part of the formula: There are 5 investors that trade stock k in period t, and 7 investors that trade stock k in period t-1. For every of the 5 investors in period t the behavior (buy or sell) is compared to the behavior (buy or sell) of all 7 investors in period t-1. So for the first investor in period t, the behavior is compared to the behavior of investor 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 of period t-1. This will lead to one value. For the second investor in period t, the behavior is compared to the behavior of investor 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 of period t-1, this will also lead to one value. And so on for all 5 investors in stock k in period t. Then the values of these 5 different investors in stock k in period t is summed to get to correct value of the first part of the formula.

    Second part of the formula: This has to be done for all stocks in that period, and summed. (this is the ∑(K) part)

    My problem is to get the multiple sigma’s working: I have got all the values incorporated in my datasheet. Now the formula needs to recognize:
    - that it will compare the investment behavior of every investor that trades stock k in period t with all the investment behavior of every investor that trades in stock k in period t-1. Incorporate this into one value.
    - Sum these individual values of all investors that traded in stock k in period t. So you will get one value for every stock traded in period t.
    - Then sum these values for every stock traded in period t.

    I hope someone can help me,

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Forum Expert shg's Avatar
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    Re: Multiple Sigma's working correctly in one formula

    In both this and your other thread, you're more likely to get useful assistance if you post workbooks. Read the forum rules for how.
    Entia non sunt multiplicanda sine necessitate

  3. #3
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    Re: Multiple Sigma's working correctly in one formula

    My apologies, I was not aware this was possible. I added a worksheet with a small part of my data.

    I did not succeed in computing the formula yet. Hope someone can help!WorkbookExcelForum.xlsx

  4. #4
    Forum Expert shg's Avatar
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    Re: Multiple Sigma's working correctly in one formula

    Sorry, your data invites more questions than I'm inclined to ask. Perhaps someone else can help.

  5. #5
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    Re: Multiple Sigma's working correctly in one formula

    When I put this sort of thing into a spreadsheet, I usually choose one of two approaches:

    1) Use a VBA UDF. I often find that summations like this are easier to code in a symbolic language like VBA (where we can use appropriate loops to perform the summations) than directly in a spreadsheet. Do you have any experience with programming languages like VBA, C, Java, etc? Something like this code snippet:
    for smalli=1 to bigi
    for n=1 to Nit
    for m=1 to Nkt
    'code to compute each term in summation
    next m
    next n
    next smalli
    2) If I don't want to code a UDF, I will usually build the summation as a helper column (or columns) in the spreadsheet. Then refer to the summation column in the final formula. I don't think I completely understood how to use that formula, but I hope you can see the basic strategy I'm trying to use in the attachment.

    It looks like there is a bit of work ahead of you to pin this down. Let us know how we can help.
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    Quote Originally Posted by shg
    Mathematics is the native language of the natural world. Just trying to become literate.

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